unexpected call | twenty

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Third Person POV

It was 1 : 10 AM and Jiyeon was still awake in her bed , sleep deprived from the unknown party music next to her house. “ Why would they plan a party this late ? ” She asked herself as she continued listening to the beats and balloon popping the house next door has made.

I guess she's sleeping in the afternoon.
She stood up with no hope knowing that it won't end quickly and opened the lights of her bedroom.
Unexpectedly , a loud and shaky buzz was heard from her phone.

She picked it up and answered the call. She knew it was the weird person who texted her the other day.
Gladly , he wasn't blocked by her.

“ Hello ? ”

She said as she heard his breathing in and out.

“ Are you okay ? ”

She asked once again. He was laughing quietly. She can tell he was drunk.

“ Jiyeon ... ” His voice was airy as he stopped laughing. His voice was familiar to her and she forgot who it was. Everything changed when she moved in her new home near her cousin's.

“ I miss you ... ”  He began crying like a crazy man who was delusional. She felt pity for him as he ended the call.

Hey ...
Do you want me to come over there ?


Send me your location.

( A/N : she sounds like a kidnapper there—)

After receiving his location , she dressed up in a jacket ( still wearing her pajamas ) and went to her car.

She stopped driving as she parked at a parking lot near his house.

" Damn he's rich , he's living in a condo. "  She said to herself as she looked back at his text , walking to the elevator. She pressed his floor's number and stood there awkwardly.

The door of the elevator opened and she walked to his home.

She hesitated for a bit as she stopped her tracks and knocked on the door gently. " Oh , I forgot—" She mumbled as she looked back at her phone how many times does she have to look ? She knew that he isn't going to be able to open his OWN door since he's drunk.

Her heartbeat was racing rapidly and excitingly to know who he was
as she typed down his password on the padlock. Excited but nervous.

The door opened automatically but slowly to avoid hitting the vase nearby. She walked in and closed the door. She gasped at the sight of Jungkook sitting down at his couch.

She went near him and sat beside him while biting her lips.

She looked at the sight in front of her , bottles of wine , his phone which was turned off , and a single cup.

He laid his head on her shoulder sobbing quietly. "You're finally here. I missed you Jiyeon , I waited for this day. I kept thinking about you. How you're doing and shit. I didn't text you since the day you weren't receiving my messages." Jungkook explained as she tried to hold her tears. She missed his presence as well.

It was hard to let go of someone you secretly love.

He's back now stupid , don't cry...

The nagging started inside of her head. “Jungkook... I missed you too. I had to confess something before you left and it was bad timing... I thought everything was fixed once I changed everything.”

“ It wasn't. I still felt empty. I like you. ” She chuckled as she wiped some of her tears. " I love you. " She corrected herself as Jungkook jolted up and faced her.

He was crying.

The sight pained her as she gave him a weak smile.

" Jiyeon-ah. "

Jungkook called her and hugged her.

She missed his warmth and comfort.

A/N :
That's it.
It ain't the ending yet.
Ugh , this looks so cringy.

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