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After for I think 20 minutes of starvation

I finally got my pizza

After smelling the pizza's scent My tummy was rumbling

As I stepped out of the pizza place in the Outside mall (the mall is near the picnic place)

I saw Sihoon waiting for me having a good time sitting in one of those massage chairs

Hana couldn't help but laugh when she saw Sihoon's face in awe

"Hey! I'm hungry we should get going now"

Hana kicked the chair as Sihoon opened his eyes

Sihoon jumped on his feet and smiled at Hana

He held her hand again as they were about to leave Sihoon suddenly lets go of your hand when he saw someone behind the both of you

"H-hey Hana isn't that your father?"

Sihoon pointed at a man by the pizza place

As the man spotted them his eyes widen and approached them

"Hey, Hana whatcha doing here?"

His voice was in a nervous state

"I don't know dad you were the one who forced me to come here anyway, I thought you were doing the laundry hmm?"

Hana raised her eyebrows, eyeing his dad carefully

"I-i was just gonna buy pizza for you and your brother! Your favorites"

Hana's dad forced a smiled trying not to go get nervous

Hana's face softened

"Okay let him go, he's going out with chicks"

Hana dragged Sihoon away from her father as her father fist-pumped the air

As her dad was nowhere in sight Sihoon look at Hana in a weird way

"Was that okay for you? How about your mom??"

Sihoon asked almost face-palming, knowing he shouldn't have asked that

The silence was surrounding the two

As soon as they arrived by the park

Sihoon started to set up the blanket and both of then sat down

"I don't even know if I had a mother..."

Hana answered surprisingly really late

She took a piece of pizza from the box and gave one to Sihoon

"You don't mind if I'd rant to you, right?"

Hana turned to Sihoon

Sihoon nodded

"Well, I never liked my mom since I was little...she was a kind of mom who was obsessed with families but when I say families she liked only one kind of family that she never had..."

Hana's mouth felt dry as if remembered some nasty things

"She liked the perfect ones, she wanted a literal perfect family ..."

Sihoon passed Hana some juice and Hana gladly accepted it

"When me and my brother were little my dad sent Taehyun to my grandparents knowing what my mother would be, I stayed behind with my parents and learned to be strong, my mother would force my father to join the military and for some odd reason he did, and I, on the other hand, was left with my mother... I had a lot of pressure being with her, I needed to know everything... I needed to play every instrument for her but I'd always messed up and my mom would scold me and lock me up in an empty room with only a dictionary and water, she wouldn't let me out if I wouldn't memorize the entire dictionary myself"

Hana laughed at the memory

Which made Sihoon worry

"Well for an ADHD kid I was, of course, I couldn't memorize an entire dictionary, man you could have seen how my mom made me do 500 push-ups"

"After a lot of scolding and mistakes, my mom gave up on me and sent me to a boarding school when I was starting elementary"

Hana Got out more food out of the picnic basket wanting to eat more since they already ate the pizza

She got out a buttered bread and took a bite

"Anyways, yeah I spent my whole elementary days in boarding school and I was expecting to stay there till middle school since my mom told me so but surprisingly after my 6th-grade graduation, my dad told me to go home and so I did...and I would never forget that night...the night I felt soo free"

Sihoon was surprised Hana didn't look like tearing up as if all of it didn't happen at all

"That night my brother came back home after 6 years of being apart, we were having dinner me, my brother, my dad and my mom...my mom glared at us with disgust, she slammed the table and there she told us she was leaving the family, that she didn't love us or would ever claim us ever again, then she left that night my dad told me she also had another family with a rich man telling us she would rather be with them...me and my brother couldn't care less and anyways...we were happy she was gone"

Hana fell in her back lying down in the picnic blanket

"This is why I try my best in everything, but I'd always mess everything up, everyone would laugh at my mistakes"

"But some do notice your efforts"

Hana laughed

"Like who? My mother?"

Hana scoffs with sarcasm

"Like me"

Sihoon held her hand and lay down beside her

Hana was stunned for a second

She looks at Sihoon in the eyes and smiled

Sihoon's heart melt as he saw you smile at him for the first time but this time it felt more sincere

"Thanks, I guess..."

Hana smiled and looked up the blue bright sky

"Oh by the way..."

Sihoon took something out of his bag and showed Hana two necklaces that she picked awhile ago one was silver and one was gold

Sihoon gave her the gild necklace

Hana had a flat place and looked at Sihoon

"Sihoon! Do you know how much this cost! Your dad would kill you!"

She stood up and smacked him in the back multiple times

"Don't worry that was my money- but hey! We have matching necklaces!"

Hana looked at him weirdly

"I thought you would give it to your mom?"

Hana asked

"I said 'a mother', and that would be the mother of my future child"

Sihoon smirked and winked

He was expecting Hana to cringe but then she just looked down

"Sihoon...do you really like me?"

Hana asked,
Sihoon was taken aback for a moment and hesitated to tell

But you know what fuck it

"Uhm, yeah?"

Sihoon stutters and blushed

Hana gave him a look

"I'm just gonna be honest, I'm sorry Sihoon... I just don't feel the same way"

Sihoon looked away as he felt embarrassed

"But...I'll tell you this..."

Hana made Sihoon face her

"If you're really desperate...you could try to make me fall for you"

Hold my hand ㅡ Kim SihoonWhere stories live. Discover now