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Blood is streaming down places where it shouldn't be...

Sihoon groans...his head was hurting— no everything was hurting for him

Sihoon was lifelessly laying on the ground, he glanced at Hana, she was still breathing...not much blood was dripping from her...in fact it was only a scratch on the head and there

But for Sihoon, he was broken inside and out

Sihoon lifted his head to see if anyone was around...but no one was there and if he'd screamed for help it would be useless

He couldn't do anything to help them...

Through the pain he was in, he dragged his body towards Hana

His bloody hands reached down for hers

He then noticed he was shaking...

His body felt so painful it felt like his soul was going to leave it...well sooner or later

His breathing shortened as every minute passed by

He looks at Hana who was laying unconsciously beside him

He tightened his grip on her hand

"You have no idea how much I didn't want to let go the first time I held your hand..."

Sihoon Tried to smiled and chuckled

Hana always said his smile was her most favourite thing in the world

He felt like he was In heaven when he tried to remember all of the memories he had with Hana

He wasn't sure what was gonna happen to Hana next but he was sure that he was dying

Tears fell started to roll down his cheek as he glanced at Hana again

He swears he could see a damn light though it was dark

He could feel his soul leaving his body anytime now

He tried all his best to stay alive for Hana

But as each second passes by his eyes got heavier

Time was running out

Sihoon gasps for air as looks at Hana then he smiled knowing he spent his last moment with her

His eyes got heavier and heavier until he finally closed them

Hold my hand ㅡ Kim SihoonWhere stories live. Discover now