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As usual Hana woke up early

She got up from her bed

Surprisingly she had the productivity to clean up her room a bit, she then prepared her self, took a shower, eat breakfast— overall she did her usual morning routine

When she went down and began to tie the shoelace of her worn out green converse then she started to tie her now long hair into a messy pony tail

While doing so her brother Taehyun eyed her weirdly in a good way

Taehyun had noticed these pass 3-4 weeks she always had this huge smile on her face which is quite unusual since Hana usually keeps a straight face and keeps all of her emotions to herself

"Well somethings up...are you gonna tell me?"

Taehyun crept behind Hana who was fixing herself in the mirror, Hana was surprised and almost stumbled down...she was soo happy and excited to See that certain someone in the University again that she didn't even notice Taehyun was there

"What the fuck..."
Hana cursed and sighed in relief

"You scared me"
Taehyun shrugged and grabbed the hair brush from Hana's hand

"Well Good morning to you too sis..."
Taehyun lets out a quiet chuckle as he tried to fix Hana's hair

"Your hair is getting longer, go get a hair cut...do you think Sihoon would like to see you in that hair? You look like a monkey"

Hana was taken a back from the insult but eh she was used to it

"Yeah yeah pshht whatever"
Hana when out on her way to school then started to mumble about how Taehyun comments about her looks


Hana walks in the empty hallways

As usual she went to the university really early

All she could hear was birds chirping from the outside, sound of cars passing by outside the campus, her footsteps and—


Hana heard loud footsteps running towards her

She saw Sihoon yelling her name running towards her naruto style

Oh gosh

She first had goosebumps thinking some people might look at her weirdly and attention would be on her again...that was what she always wanted to avoid

But then she remembered no one was there so she just let Sihoon run like an idiot and came to hug her

"I miss you..."
He mumbled as he kept kissing her cheek

"Okay there buddy, thats enough"
Hana glared at Sihoon pushing him away lightly

"We literally just met last night...you wouldn't even let me leave the damn cafe" you sighed at how dramatic Sihoon was

Yesterday  Hana and Sihoon went to a late night cafe date, Hana wanted to leave since she was getting sleepy and plus they were there for like i don't know, five hours but then Sihoon begged Hana to stay with him for a bit or else Sihoon would act like Hana broke up with him in in front of everyone in the cafe

Lol guess who went home late last night

"You know what I sometimes question why did I agree to date you"
Hana kept distance between the both of them

"I know why..."

Sihoon said with confidence, straightening up his posture

Hana bluntly asked

Sihoon stared at Hana for a second and posed

"I'm handsome..."
Sihoon states with confidence

"Ok you're embarrassing me, bye"

Hana mentally faced palms as Sihoon catches up with her

Sihoon then slips his hand into hers and intertwined their fingers

Sihoon kept glancing at Hana with a cheeky smile as comfortable silence took over them

Hana may not have shown any emotion on her face this time but Sihoon could clearly see her ears turning red

After some time when they arrived at their classroom, since it was still early only the both of them was there

Hana stops her tracks by the door

Sihoon looked at her

She had this confused expression like she was deciding to do something or not

Her face turned red then she took a look if anyone was around

Sihoon was confused but then Hana turned to him

"Sihoon whats that?"

Hana pointed on the window behind Sihoon

Sihoon turned but he saw nothing

"What are you talking about? I dont see anything—"

When Sihoon turned to face Hana again...

Hana placed a kiss on his lips

After the quick peck Sihoon licked his lips, he never tasted her lips since they made out that night.

Sihoon smirked and was about to give Hana a deep kiss

But then the other door opened

"UHhhhgGgg wHy mUst We Do tHis SuFFerring eVeryday???"

Yohan came in with Wooseok and Hangyul

"Fuck this shit I'm dropping out— lol just kidding I need money"

Hangyul followed behind Yohan as he threw all of his papers everywhere but then ended up picking them back up again.

Wooseok then look at the other end of the classroom which Hana and Sihoon was

"Uhm guys I think we disturbed something important"
Wooseok smirked

Hold my hand ㅡ Kim SihoonWhere stories live. Discover now