[1] Victor Vincent Fuentes

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*Vic Pov*

I walk into the school, clenching my books tighter to my chest, this school year is going to be different, I'm not going to let people get to me, and my books, last year some jerks would push me just to make me drop everything I was holding.

Those jerks are people who like to be called, Jesse Lawson, Justin hills and Jack Barakat. funny how their names all start with J, they should make some club called the three J's,short for jerks or jackasses, whatever they prefer, i prefer the second option.

i walk into my first class and sit down in an empty chair inbetween hayley williams and taylor jardine, im not really friends with them, but none of my friends are in this class so i guess i need to sit somewhere.

hayley and taylor used to be best friends, i heard taylor used to help hayley dye her hair. they did everything together, shopping, projects, homework, they helped eachother decorate their rooms, i personaly think they were more than best friends they just dont want to admit it, but yet, hayley did start dating a guy named taylor, talk about confusion between the two taylors, taylor york goes to a whole different school though so i dont see the problem, hayley could cheat on him, he wouldnt know,im not saying it would be right though. anyways, taylor and hayley got into this huge fight this summer, no one knows what it was about, but now they dont even talk, i wonder why they sit so close to eachother even though they are on bad terms, force of habbit i guess.

"thanks vic" hayley mummbles and i turn to her and nod,she gives me a slight smile.

im pretty sure shes thanking me for sitting in between her and taylor, im pretty sure it wasnt about me thinking about her love life.

i look down at my desk waiting for the teacher to stop writing her name on the board. we all know her name so i dont see the point.

"you are late mr. quinn" miss.blue says and i look up at the door

"we went over this last year, miss.green, get used to it" kellin says

"its blue"

"we also went over this, i prefer the color green" kellin says and miss blue rolls her eyes.the class room fills with laughter.

"take a seat kellin" she says sternly

"and also, dont fail me or you'll have me again next semester" kellin says once the laughing dies down.

and here we have Kellin Quinn, the most beautiful horrible person you will ever meet, also my crush since the third grade, thank you very much. i've been in love with him since i saw him on the play ground, i was too shy to go over so i stayed with my friend jaime, i watched as kellin was leaning against a tree talking to some girl who was wearing a hello kitty shirt, oh the third grade popular girls. kellin's hair was shorter in third grade. but his smile is still the same, he smiles so often, its one you cant forget. i know i cant forget it, it haunts my dreams. mike on the other hand wasnt shy and he talked to kellin like a normal kid would, he walked over, interduced himself, and the girl wearing the hello kitty shirt said good bye to kellin and walked off with my brother, go micheal. i think mike was trying to give me a moment to go and talk to kellin, but i blew it by walking away, i left jaime alone and i just went to the swings, looking at kellin from a far. i was that obsessed kid, kellin's never noticed me, at our elementary school 'graduation' i had to make a speech about friends, i think kellin was asleep.

middle school with kellin, well he went up on the popular chart, becoming friends with jack barakat, his group of friends merged with jack's group of friends, creating a cult no one wants to mess with, pretty girls with tons of makeup threw themself at kellin all throughout middle school, i would watch as he would make out with girls in the hallway, making me feel like shit, not like i ever felt okay in middle school.kellin's never had like a long relationship, i dont even think hes had one, i used to see him with different girls, making them laugh.  kellin and i had no classes together, until today. maybe he will finally notice me this year.

"who wouldnt want you to be with them for extra time" oliver sykes says as he smirks at kellin, i watch as kellin rolls his eyes, its not the kind of eye rolling that shows disgust or annoyence, its the type that says 'you should know'. kellin lightly pushes oliver and i feel my emotions about to explode. who does this brit think he is. trying to steal my man.

lets take a moment to see what oli sykes has accomplished over the years... everything.

he moved here from the UK last year,what has he done? everything. he got on the school's soccer team,he got invited to every party there was. he got automatically accepted in the cult kellin is in.okay its not a real cult, its their friendship group made of jerks,jocks,and populars..its more like a cult to me though, one i used to want to be apart of, and maybe i still do, i've just accepted that i wont be able to join. oliver has it all, its like a one way ticket to kellin-land. im pretty sure kellin is straight, but i bet oliver could be the person to change that, he has the looks and everything. the way kellin smirks at oliver and the way oliver smirks at him, its like a secret code for boyfriends.

"Mr.Fuentes, the office needs you" miss.green...no i mean miss.blue says taking me out of my thoughts,its the first day...the first hour of school, why am i being called to the ofice, i get my stuff and stand up.

"do you know why? i ask softly as she hands me the pass

"no sorry" she says and i sigh before following a teacher out of the room.

"so, do you know why im being called to the office?" i ask her and she shakes her head.

"im just a messanger" she says and i nod my head

"right" i mutter and then i walk into the office and into the principle's office, i dont understand why they put an office in an office, its confusing. i knock on the door.

"come in" mr.sanders says and i walk in, i see mike sitting in a chair and i sigh.

"what did he do this time?" i ask as i take the empty seat next to him, i look over at my little brother and roll my eyes, i could have been there in class looking at kellin's perfection for thirty more minutes but instead im in here.

"nothing, i just" mike says then he looks at mr.sanders

"he yelled at a teacher and said somthing about her hair being a wig, and he stole a girls pen" mr.sanders says. well that wasnt that bad, i thought he broke a window...again.

"i'll talk some sense into him, im sorry again mr.sanders" i say and mike and i stand up

"thanks for coming to me instead of our parents" i add.

you see, mr.sanders likes me as a student, and so whenever mike, lashes out, he goes to me like im the parent. lucky mike. we walk out and into the school hallway.

"a wig? wow mike that was a nice one" i say

"wasnt it! god that which got mad at me faster than the others" he mummbles

"well for once you didnt call someone a bitch"

"oh trust me she is, i just didnt know if you would slap me if i said it"

"im not in the mood to waste my muscle on you"

"like you have any" mike says and he starts laughing

"shut up,your lucky i said i would handle you, i should have left you in the office for him to talk to you and have him call ma and pa" i snap at him

we continue walking and he stops near one of the doors.

"im guessing you arent going back to class" he says

"your guess is correct, i'll see you later"

"later" he says before opening the door and going back into his class room.

im too shy and awkward to step back into the classroom.

i go into the closest bathroom and i put my bag on the floor as i lean against the wall.

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