Chapter 16

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"Alright, how do I look?" Carly asked.

Carly had on a nurse shirt and pants. Today was her first day Harbor Hospital. Her first day of working ever since McDonald's.

"You look good honey." Betty said.

"Thanks." Carly said.

"Can I get a picture for Facebook?" Betty asked.

"Oh Mom." Carly said stamping her feet wildly. She just wanted to get to her job.

"Hold still." Betty said holding her phone on an angle. The phone clicked in seconds and Betty got her photo.

"Can I see?" Carly asked.

Betty showed Carly the photo of herself and Carly immediately turned away.

"What you don't like it?" Betty asked.

"No it's hideous!" Carly exclaimed.

"Oh Carly." Betty said rolling her eyes. "You have to start liking yourself. I bet Taron would love the picture."

"Well, Taron automatically would because he loves me." Carly said.

Carly grabbed her purse and Betty did the same. They walked out the door cutting the conversation short. Walking out to the car felt different today. Different in the sense that Carly wasn't going back to Happy Health Mind Center.

The drive to Harbor Hospital wasn't all bad as Carly and Betty were having a great chat. This was the first time in months that the two were friendly with each other. When Betty got to Harbor hospital, Carly got dropped off at the front door.

"Have a good first day of work!" Betty yelled out the window.

"I will!" Carly yelled back to her mother.

Betty pulled away from the hospital and Carly saw nurses standing outside taking a photo. Carly walked over to the group of 15 nurses.

"Boss, the new recruit is here!" A Male nurse yelled.

"Let her in the picture." The boss said.

Carly walked over to the nurses and stood in the front next to a woman who was about her age.

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