Allison's True Potential

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Allison's P.O.V.:

I was really excited about today. My dad was going to me rock climbing! My favorite thing to do ever! And even better, my mom was coming with us!

My mother never got to do much with us because she was always busy helping my grandfather in Nom. According to my dad that's where I was born, but I was little so I don't remember.

I got myself dressed and ready to go mountain climbing with my parents. I said good morning to my dragon, Pebbles, and started to make myself breakfast. I ran into my dad.

"Hey cupcake." He said. "Good morning."

"Morning Dad." I said.

Cupcake was my dad's nickname for me. I never did figure out why he calls me that. I think it has something to do with the with his weird obsession with cake. It didn't matter though, I liked that nickname.

"Are you excited about rock climbing today?" He asked.

"You bet! Mom is still meeting us there right?" I asked.

"Yep, I just talked to her and she's already on her way." My dad assured.

"Yay! We better get going pretty soon." I said. "Come on Daddy, hurry up!"

"Ok ok." My dad laughed. "Relax, we got plenty of time."

"Sorry I'm just excited about getting to spend the day with Mom." I said.

"I know cupcake I'm excited too, but you can't go rock climbing on an empty stomach." He smiled.


I rolled my eyes, set back down at the table and continued to eat my breakfast. Pebbles, as usual, was watching me eat, so I slipped her a few pieces of my cereal. Once we were done, my dad formed his dragon and we headed off to the cliffs to meet my mother.

When we got there, she was already there. I got this huge smile on my face and I ran to her, wrapping her in a hug.

"Hey All-Star!" My mom said hugging me. "I've really missed you!"

"I missed you too Mommy!" I exclaimed.

"I can't believe you beat us here." My dad said to my mom.

"What? You know I always win." My mom winked.

"Come on Mom, let's start climbing." I said excitedly.

"Ok sweetheart." She laughed.

My mom and dad shared a kiss. Then I got the climbing gear out of the bag my mom brought. We got all geared up and ready to climb.

My dad and I were experts at this. I've been rock climbing since I was six and my dad had been doing it long before I was born. And I'm ten, so that's a long time. However my mom was kinda new at this, so me and my dad were helping her learn.

"You doing ok Seliel?" My father called out to my mom who was behind us.

"Yeah, I'm doing good!" She yelled up to us. "This is pretty fun!"

"Glad you like it Mom." I said.

We kept climbing up until all of a sudden a storm hit. It came out of nowhere. It was really strong too. So strong we could hear the wind howling.

"Hold on to something!" My dad screamed to me and my mom.

I had super strength like my dad, so I could hold on, but my mom didn't. My dad lowered down to where she was and held onto her.

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