Blake's True Potential

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Blake's P.O.V.:

I couldn't believe my sister, both of my cousins and my friends Allison and Ryder had already unlocked their true potential. I was wondering when I was going to unlock mine, I mean I know I'm only 9 years old, but why didn't I have powers yet?

I wonder how my parents unlocked their true potentials? Wait, that's it! If I found out how my parents got their true potentials maybe that will give me a chance on how to unlock mine! Yes that's brilliant!

I ran into the kitchen and Dad was making Amber, Trent and I sandwiches for lunch. I sat down at the table with Trent and Amber and started to eat my sandwich.

"Thanks Dad." Amber said.

"Yeah thanks." I said picking up my sandwich.

"You're welcome kids." My dad said.

"Hey dad I have a question." I spoke up.

"Shoot." He said.

"How did you and Mom unlocked your true potentials?" I asked him.

"Why do you wanna know?" He asked.

"Well Amber, Ryder, Allison, Jax, and Lily already found theirs and I thought that if I heard how you and Mom got yours it would be the key to unlocking mine." I explained.

"Well do you wanna hear how I got mine?" Amber smiled.

"Amber you've told me that story seventeen times!" I rolled my eyes. "Besides I asked Dad."

"Whatever." Amber crossed her arms and left the table.

"So how did you do it?" I asked him.

"Well..." He began.

Kai's P.O.V.:


I was with the team at the temple of fire trying to get the last fang blade. Lloyd had been kidnapped by Pythor. Pythor was about to get away, but I threw my sword and the fang blade landed in the rock behind him.

The place was coming down and the rest of my team was already out of there. All that was left was me and Lloyd, but the tiny rock Lloyd was sitting on was about to sink into the lava. It was then I realized what was really important.

I leaped from rock to rock until I was able to reach Lloyd. I lifted him up I did it. A shield formed around us and we flew out of the volcano as it erupted.

******End of Flashback******

"And that's when I realized that it doesn't matter what color you're wearing, you can still be a valuable part of a team." I finished.

Blake's P.O.V.:

"So in order to find my true potential, I need to go to the fire volcano!" I realized. "Thanks Dad."

I got up from the table and started to run, but then my dad picked me up by the shirt.

"Blake that wasn't my point." Dad said. "The fire temple is dangerous and I don't you want you going there."

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