Alex's True Potential

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Alex's P.O.V.:

I was looking at myself in the mirror. I already had full control of my ice powers, but I felt like I was built for something more. I had been training and training, mastering every move in the book, but yet I still wanted something more. I wanted to use my powers to help people. I just was not sure how to do that.

I went into the living room and my mother and father saw me looking upset.

"What's the matter son?" Father asked.

"I don't know." I sighed. "I guess I just feel like I should be doing something more... I don't know... helpful."

"What do you mean?" Mom asked.

"Well I think I just need to go out on my own and discover who am. Who I was meant to be." I told him. "Would you guys be ok with that?"

"If you think this is what you need, then we'll support you." Dad said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Please come back to us in one piece ok." Mom joined us in the hug.

"Affirmative." I hugged them back. "Thank you."

So with that I said goodbye to my parents and then set off into the birch wood forest to find myself and possibly my true potential.

I continued the journey through the forest. It snows almost constantly here because of the abnormally cold temperatures. Of course I could withstand them because I'm a nindroid. That means I also didn't have a problem with finding food or shelter. Plus my grandpa's old lab was on the south side of this forest, so I could go there if I wanted.

It had been about five years since Grandpa Borg gave me my father's powers. My father had been training me to use them properly and to use them to protect the people of Ninjago. I wanted to set off on my own and put what I learned to the test, but when I got to the forest I wasn't sure what to do.

I kept walking through the snow for what felt like hours until I heard something rustling through the trees. I walked over and followed the noise and it turned out to be some kind of large bird. A falcon to be precise.

The falcon screeched and flew off into the forest. I followed him and found myself deep in the forest as I lost him. All of a sudden a creature with four very long legs in the color of the trees appeared in front of me. My father had told me stories about these creatures and that they were called treehorns.

Pretty soon I was surrounded by them. I used my ninja training to try and fight them off, but they overpowered me and I got knocked offline for a bit.

When I woke up the treehorns were gone. They got away. I stood up and looked around for the bird I saw flying around earlier. I eventually found him hiding behind a bush. He tried to fly away as I approached him, but his left wing was hurt and he wasn't able to fly or move it.

"Careful little friend." I said as I calmly approached it. "I will not hurt you."

I carefully picked the bird up and it was freezing. I didn't have a first aid kit or anything to wrap up it's wing, so I tried to keep it as still as possible and started to head to my grandpa Julian's old lab in the south side of the forest.

When I finally got there I found a first aid kit and cared for the bird. I wrapped up his wing.

"You will be ok now little friend." I told the falcon. "Let's get you warmed up a bit."

Ninjago: Generations- True PotentialsWhere stories live. Discover now