Lily's True Potential

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I know it's short and kinda lazy, but I wanna start a new project soon, so I have to finish this story and WYBMY first because I have too many stories to start another one at the moment, so I'm basically just trying to flow through these. Don't worry, I'll still try to be as creative as possible. Enjoy! 😉


Lily's P.O.V.:

It had been two weeks since my twin brother unlocked his true potential, and it really wasn't fair at all! I'm the older twin but a full eight minutes so I should've unlocked my true potential first!

My mother told me that since Jax got my dad's lightning powers, I most likely would inherit my mom's element of water. That was a little disappointing because Mom said she didn't unlock her true potential until she was like sixteen. I was hoping it wouldn't take long for me to reach up to her level, but water wasn't an element of creation so it would be harder to master. It sucked because I wanted to get powers so bad!

All my parents ever did was go on and on about how amazing Jax and his new powers were. They were like "Jax this, Jax that." I had just had enough of it! I get it, Jax has powers, so what? I could have powers too you know?

My father always told me that if you want something, don't wish it to happen make it happen. Keeping that thought in my mind, I had made a plan. Since I felt like that water was my element, and I've always had a weird thing for water, I convinced my family to take us to the pool. My Uncle Kai, Auntie Skylor and my cousins Amber, Blake and Trent were all there too.

Blake wanted nothing to do with the water as usual, so he was sitting in the chairs with Uncle Kai. Jax, Amber and Trent were all in the shallow end of the pool. I was sitting on the edge of the deep end, trying my hardest to try to get the water to move by itself, just a little ripple would be enough, but nothing. Maybe I don't even have powers.

"Lily, are you ok?" My mom set down next to me on the edge of the pool.

"Yeah, it's just, I thought since I was older I would unlock my true potential before Jax did." I sighed. "I'm happy for him, but I guess I'm just a little jealous that I didn't unlock it first, that's all."

"I know what that's like. That's how I felt when I found out your uncle Kai had powers and I didn't."

"Yeah but that's different, he's older than you." I remarked.

"That doesn't matter, I'm still smarter than he is." My mom laughed.

"Hey! I heard that!" My uncle yelled.

My mom rolled her eyes and I giggled.

"Look, the point is, even though I didn't have powers at first, I still found a way to help the team and I know you'll find a way to help too." Mom said.

"Thanks Mom." I smiled.

We hugged and then my mom went with Auntie Skylor to get the picnic basket out of the car.

My mom had told me stories about how she helped the ninja as Samurai X back before she got her powers. I had always admired my mother for that, but technology was more my dad and Jax's thing. I wanted powers like everyone else.

I was lost in thought and I didn't even notice that Trent had found his way into the deep end of the pool. I heard everyone screaming and I saw him struggling.

"Kai, don't just stand there, do something!" My dad demanded him.

"Jay, you know I can't swim!" My uncle screamed. He started yelling for help.

My cousin was drowning. I had to do something and fast. I put all my focus on the water and I managed to make a small tidal wave that pushed him to the side of the pool to safety.

He was coughing and gasping for air and my uncle and cousins ran and hugged him.

"You ok buddy?" Uncle Kai said helping him up.

"Yes Daddy I'm fine." Trent said still catching his breath.

"We're gonna get you to first aid just to be safe ok?" He said.

Trent nodded and my uncle picked him up. Then my mom and aunt came back. My aunt ran to Trent and followed everyone else into the first aid center. Then my family noticed that I was feeling weak and ran to me.

"Lily, what happened? Are you ok?" My mom said checking me out.

"Mom I did it! I unlocked my true potential!" I exclaimed catching my breath.

"Congrats sis." Jax said.

"Thanks Jax." I smiled and yawned.

"Alright Lily, let's get you home." My dad said picking me up.

"Wait." My uncle came up from behind us. He gave me a big hug.
"Lily you are the best niece I could ever have! Thank you!"

That made me smile.

"How's Trent doing?" Mom asked him.

"He's gonna be fine thanks to Lily." My uncle smiled at me. "You're gonna make a great water master one day."

"Thanks uncle Kai." I smiled.

My parents took me and my brother home and after a little nap I was feeling better. I was also proud of myself for doing something about it instead of just waiting for it to happen.

Ninjago: Generations- True PotentialsWhere stories live. Discover now