Ashley's True Potential

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Hey guys, I wanted to save this one for last, but Alex's isn't done yet and I needed to post something. Just know this is a bit out of order. Ok enjoy!


Ashley's P.O.V.:

I was on a camping trip with my dad, mom, grandma and my brother Ryder. The grown ups were all preparing dinner, so me and Ryder decided to go on a little hike on a trail that was nearby.

"Ashley keep up." My brother said. "I don't want you to get lost."

"Will you calm down Ryder? I'm eight now." I reminded him. "I am totally capable of taking care of myself."

"I know, but Mom and Dad put me in charge." He boasted.

"Whatever you say bossy pants." I rolled my eyes.

"Speaking of which, it's almost time for dinner." Ryder said looking at his watch. "We better get back."

I started looking around and I noticed a trail that was off the path. It looked like it was going on the same place so I told my brother about it.

"Let's go that way." I said pointing to the path.

"That doesn't look safe Ashley, let's just stick to the trail." Ryder said.

"Come on, it's a shortcut." I begged.

"No Ashley, let's just go back the way we came." Ryder insisted.

"Fine, be a buzzkill if you want, but I'm going this way." I said as I started to walk towards it.

"Fine, I'll go with you, but only because I don't want anything to happen to you." He reluctantly agreed.

We kept going down the path and the trail was not what I thought it was. It was really rocky and it had a bunch of twists and turns every which way. Eventually we didn't know where we were and what was worse was it started to get dark and we could see huge rain clouds coming in.

"I knew this was a bad idea." Ryder yelled.

"Ok can you save the I told you so for later?" I said.

"There might not be a later if we don't get back soon."

"So how do we get back then?"


We heard the thunder roar as it started pouring down rain. Ryder took my hand and we ran into a nearby cave for shelter from the storm. We were catching our breath and then a big mudslide came out of nowhere and closed the exit to the cave. Ryder and I were trapped.

"Are you ok Ash?" He asked.

"Yeah." I answered catching my breath. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." He said. "Come on sis, we need to find another way out of here."

"Alright." I sighed.

Ryder and I both took our flashlights out of backpacks and started to work our way to the other end of the cave. Ryder was mostly quiet the whole time and I could tell he was limping a little bit. And what made me feel worse was it was all my fault.

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