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(*WARNING: Chapter contains depictions of blood and violence/violent descriptions, bullying (including homophobic slurs), and a description of possible drug use*)

    Johnny was a new student at Xavier's School For Gifted Children and didn't know what to do. He was waiting outside the door of the school early in the morning. It was 2am and he knocked at the door waiting for a reply while it was raining outside. He stood outside for a few minutes until he noticed the door opening by itself. He walked in wanting to avoid the rain. He sniffled his nose thinking he might catch a cold from running in the rain for a few hours. He walked slowly inside not knowing what to do. He was barefoot, which he preferred, wearing raggedy jeans, a torn and slightly bloody shirt with his left shoulder showing slightly as if it was a tank top, and with a bit of scrapes and bruises on his left arm like a tattoo sleeve.

    "Hello? Anyone in here?" he whispered not wishing to disturb anyone. At the moment, someone was walking towards him as he noticed a candle's flame coming closer to him and finding an older man in a wheelchair drawing nearer to him.


    Professor X knew that someone was coming today and hadn't slept that night. He was just wandering the halls when he actually did hear knocking and he used his powers to open the door for the person who had came. He knew that they had special powers and couldn't wait to see what they were. He started heading forwards in his wheel chair to the front door with a candle lit. When he saw the person standing there he said loud enough for them to hear but not loud enough to wake anyone.

    "Hello there. Who might you be? I could tell you needed help before you even rang the door bell," Professor X said to the young teenager. The teenager was in surprise, but then regained his emotions.

    "My name's Johnny Graze. I heard about this school and I need shelter. It's a long story. I don't wish to get too much into details until I get familiar with everything here if it is alright with you sir", he said stuttering a bit while trying to not sound nervous or scared. He walked along the halls with the older man not knowing anything. Professor X already knew what has went on with his life but acted like he didn't.

    "I understand I will take you around the building and show you the rooms then I will show you to where you can stay. But may I ask what your mutation is?" the Professor asked. As they were walking, he thought about where he would place the new guest and hoped he would make friends fast and easy. He knew that they would have to start training soon so that his powers wouldn't get out of hand or have sudden outbursts. They had had outbursts of powers before and it was always really hard to get the person to calm down. 

    "Well I can control plants and vegetation growth and can use them to help others," the teenager said. "But because I'm always barefoot and wearing clothes like girls sometimes do, I was always called things like fairy, faggot, Princess, and some other horrible things. I can try to control them, but it will be nice to ask for some help." After he heard about Johnny's powers, he knew exactly how to help him and hoped he will trust him enough to show him how to control his powers.

    "I can help you and show you how to control your powers, but not today," he explained calmly. "But, in a few days, I would like to see what you can do with your powers. I know exactly how to help you and how to get more of your powers to show, but it will take time and patience."

    "Oh thank God! Patience and time is what I need. Back at the orphanage, they would always rush us and it was nightmarish. Like if we were slaves. It didn't help anything to save my sanity. But I'm here and I feel a bit better," Johnny said relieved. Professor X nodded understanding him, while wondering why he was sent to the orphanage and where his parents were as well, because someone in his family had to of had a mutation too.

    "That's weird that they were always rushing around. I don't get why they would use you as a slave that isn't good," Professor X remarked.

    "The only thing I know about my parents was that they abandoned me. The only other person I know who has a mutation is my aunt. I don't know exactly who she is but I've been looking through some old files. They say she got killed by a...something with an S. Sen...Sentinal I believe?" He said a little unsure of himself. "I never knew my parents. They went and abandoned me. For what I'm told it was because I was a danger to their finances. I was also told because of their drug habits. But I'm not sure".


    Johnny Graze had experienced his mutant abilities at age 10 in a garden at the orphanage in which he could control plants as well as vegetation. At age 12, he then found ways to replicate things using his abilities, but they just looked like a bunch of plant stalks and weeds combined. When he was 15, he then managed to replicate things with plants but then being able to fool people changing the outside to look like anything else that's not a plant. He even replicated himself to avoid bullies which worked when one of them tried to choke "him" to death but suddenly found out he was bleeding green blood but it was actually the plant replica of himself. He ran away from the orphanage at age 17 to see if he could be in a better environment away from abuse and insults. Hopefully, the school he walked into was the safe haven for him.    


    Johnny started to like being in the hallways. It felt like some sort of fairytale castle in a way. He always dreamt of staying in an elegant place when he would be adopted. He felt like the older man was going to help him. He might make friends, but the last time he made friends, he found out they used him to make fun of him.

    "Sir if I may ask you..." Johnny started

    "You can call me Xavier, but most call me Professor X," Professor X explained.

    "Oh, then Professor you see me as a princess or a fairy or...worse, a faggot in any way?" Johnny asked him.

    "No, I do not consider you a princess or a fairy or a faggot," the Professor said calmly. "You are way more than those words. Besides, you are a boy". Professor X showed Johnny to his room and started to wheel away, but stopped himself.  "If you need new clothes just tell me and I will have someone get you some as well as anything else to make your room more comfortable." He points to a room in the middle of the hallway to their right.

    "But if I am getting new clothes, I'm a kind of guy who doesn't need shoes. It helps me feel and control my powers a bit better if that's alright with you", Johnny said smiling a bit.

    "I understand. I will make sure they only give you a pair or two of shoes just in case you need them." Professor X nodded acknowledging him.  "We will talk more about this later. I think for now you should try and get some rest. It seems you have walked a long way to come here. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask me or any of the teachers." He started to roll his wheelchair away from the room, but turned back to look at Johnny with a concerned look on his face. "That wasn't right of them to just leave you. You seem like a great and bright boy." Johnny smiled small and nodded.

    "Thanks again Professor. You have a good night's sleep," he said walking to his new room. When they said their good nights, he walked around the room getting to know the place and sat on the bed with a picture of his first plant he made but was later destroyed with acid because of some of the bullies he experienced with. He then tucked himself to sleep not know that his room was in between his future friend, Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler and the charming and caring Warren Worthington III aka Angel. He fell fast asleep and didn't realize his first class was at 9:30am.

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