Crack chapter 1

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Hello! I am the One! The Only! Candy Wilson!!! Unicorn is still passed out so I'm going to make the new chapter! Also this is kinda just compensating for not posting in this book.

Warnings: read at your own risk because I have no idea what I'm doing 


Tiny's wizard boyfriend disappeared into confetti after he said something inspirational or wise or something I was to busy wondering how his cape got dusty to listen  when Peter Parkour walks into scene probably wondering if he is in the right set "Mr Stank I dont feel so good" Said Peter Parkour as he walked over to his (father figure) mentor. "I don't want to go to school! I don't want to go  I don't want to go! ¡~¡" Tiny then hugged his (son) son-like kid. "I'm (not) sorry" then Peter Parkour turned into sparkles or something? Idk. Then Tiny Stank was like 'what the fluk that bastard killed my fuming son like wtf bich' so he took ant-person out of the weird mini place and told him to help so he was like 'cool, cool' and then ant-person and birdhawkpurpleKatnissman teamed up and did stuff and are now going to put ant-person inside bigbaduglyrasen when all the sudden John Wick appeared and killed bigbaduglyrasen and then disappeared again and every one appeared because of reasons and oh maggots I totally forgot what this was about oh well then everyone was happy and other emotions I don't know but rxygezres and then Peter Parkour was grounded on earth for for ever and oh look a puppy 


Candiiii🍬: I'm so proud of this :D

Unicornia<3: *waking up* Ughh what—

Candiiii🍬: LoL no *wack*

Unicornia<3: *Dead*

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