Nightmares: A Halloween Special

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Plot: Halloween special  

Additional notes: 1. Ignore the 2018 part in the picture 2. Wow, I've been neglecting this book for a while 3. I almost didn't post this Halloween special because I accidentally deleted the original draft 4. I'm working on the requests! 5. This is the second time I try to write something dark so this is probably bad

Warnings: "Angst", gore, OOC on purpose, probably something else I can't think of


Loki's POV

I open my eyes and immediately feel pain all over my body. I'm surrounded by an angry mob throwing things at me while screaming things like:



"Kill him!"

"He isn't one of us!"

I'm...I'm in my Ice Giant—

"Loki" I turn and see Thor looking at me with hate in his eyes "B-Brother, help me....please" Why am I so scared?! Why am I so weak?! "I AM NOT YOUR BROTHER!" Before I can react he slaps me across the face "I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY I CARED ABOUT YOU! YOUR A MONSTER! YOU DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING!!" Everyone else joins in beating me up and I finally realized that I'm covered in blood I look around for a moment and realize who's blood this is




I wake up anxious and immediately go to Peter's room completely ignoring the worried look Thor gave me as I left 

Peter's POV


This can't be happening. I can't be on Titan again. I can't die again. I can't go through this again.

"Mr. Stark?" He looks at me coldly "This is all your fault." No...

"Mr. Stark, I'm so sorry! Please! I didn't mean to mess up! I'm sorry!" "How can I forgive you for being such a disappointment?" I feel myself starting to disappear "It's your fault that we lost! It's your fault that they're gone! It's all your fault! It always is!"

"I'm sorry" I say as I drop to my knees and wait to disapper completely 

I wake up when someone starts loudly nocking at my door.



Tony's POV

I'm in some sort of ghostly form and I see Peter is a hospital bed with mortal wounds, all from my repulsor. Natasha is beside him crying and holding a knife. "Peter, are you sure? I thought that you loved him like he was your father." "I did, but he betrayed me. He betrayed us! Tony's a monster." Natasha nodded and started to head out the door when suddenly everything went black.

A bright light shined and I found myself looking at a tombstone. Peter's tombstone

I started crying with no control until I felt something in my back. I turn and see Natasha looking at me with tears made of blood running through her cheeks "ты убил моего ребенка. Ты монстр" (I'm not going to translate)

"DAD!" Peter screamed as I woke up. I quickly hug him and start apologizing. "It's ok"

Natasha's POV 

I was in a dark room tied to the bed, the moon was high in the sky but it was the middle of the day, a dark figure walked around the room leaving bloody footprints, and I could hear a baby crying in the distance. "Please...let me go" I say out of breath. The figure turns to me and I can finally see it's blood red eyes "You've brought this upon yourself Natalie" it says as it makes me face a TV in which I see the things I regret the most play over and over again. I try to look away but it won't leave and I start to feel sick.



They'll leave you once they find out 

"Please stop" After I say that I start to cough blood and I feel someone cutting my veins inside my body





I wake up crying and shaking...why did I dream of that...I've never— "Tasha?" I look up to see Loki, Peter, and Tony all looking very worried "You had a nightmare too didn't you?" Asks Loki and I just nod. Peter hugs me, then Tony does, and surprisingly so does Loki. I simply hug back and try to forget that awful nightmare

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