Chapter 23 : Priscilla Becomes the Queen of The Toilet

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Flying on Phoenix was a treat.  My bright brown eyes stayed on the sky ahead as the others were focused on map.

"Two demigods will arrive during the night" I heard Zoe mumble as she held a copy of the prophecy.

Zoe bag was ready for  a quest. In her bag was Nectar, Ambrosia, Mortal Money, Drachmas, A Map, a blue water bottle,  An Extra wear of clothes, A Copy of the prophecy, An some fruit.

"Reading the Prophecy again. I see" I said to Zoe as she rose her eyes at me and said "Yea, just really confused about this part" as Priscilla overheard and hover over Zoe's shoulder.

"Two demigods will arrive during the night" as Zoe nodded and said

"It is confusing, but hey isn't ever prophecy" as Zoe drew in a long sigh and folded the map and put it in her bag and said "Your right" as Leo said "I can see a lot up here" as I said

"Duh, we are in the air" as he rolled his eyes.

"That looks like a motel, down there" Priscilla pointed out as I looked down as well.

"Yea, let's land Phoenix" Zoe order as i said

"Aye, Aye, Captain" as I whistle as Phoenix divide down towards the ground.

As Phoenix flew towards the ground, i noticed they had a outdoor pool which Priscilla would love.

We landed on the ground as we jump off as Calypso turned to me and said

"And what about the giant phoenix ?" as i turned and open Phoenix control panel as i pushed a tiny button as she shifted into a suitcase as I turned and said "Like that" as i started to roll her. 

"She can do that !" Leo said as i smirked.

"Cool" Zoe said as I said "Well, let's get a room" as we walked into the small motel.



After me and Priscilla paid for the room, We went outside to our room.

A motel with three beds. It was $20 dollars a night. Sweet Deal.  

I would share a bed with Priscilla,  Calypso and Leo would share, a Phoenix would get a bed to herself.

I was really tired, so i didn't care who got what bed. 

I took a shower and change into my extra clothes, which was a white t-shirt,and some black shorts.

Leo and Phoenix decide to watch a invention show, while me and the others decide to go the sleep.

I couldn't see how they never got tried, but they soon drifted off. 



What, i didn't know is i couldn't sleep when the thought off monster were on my mind.

I drew in a sigh and glanced at the other who were all sleeping, Zoe who was  turned on her side as she slept peacefully, Phoenix was hugging her pillow while sleeping as Calypso arm was wrapped around Leo as I chuckled as i tip toed quickly into the bathroom and changed into my swimsuit as i grabbed a towel as i walked over to the pool.

I dropped my towel as i jumped into the pool and swim around as my hair floated in the water.

I could swim forever.

Swimming took my head away from things, like my mom, quests and monster.

The dim lights flicker like a old burning candle as the moon shinned.

I could breathe underwater for a long time. All Poseidon's Kids could. We could yes control water, If i fell into the water i wouldn't be hurt, I could make air bubbles, And use water to heal myself. And the list goes on and on.

I drew in a sigh as air bubbles flew from my nose as i could see someone above me as i swam above as i saw Phoenix who was rubbing her eyes as i said

"Hey, Your up late" as She said

"Yea, you are two. Shouldn't you get some sleep" as  i drew in a long sigh as i said

"I'm not tired" as she rolled her eyes as she said 

"Come on, it's 4:00 Am, Let's go" as she grabbed my hand as i grabbed my towel and wrapped it around myself as we walked into the room as she flopped on the bed and went back to sleep.

I decide to take another shower as i turned on the shower as i looked into the mirror as i sighed as i looked down at my hands as i clenched my fist as i closed my eyes.

Then the pipes started to make funny noises as the water spurted all over me knocking me down and pushing me to the wall.

I spit out toilet water as if the toilet had a bad day. I  realize what i've done. I became the queen of the toilet.

Zoe rushed in seeing me on the ground my clothes soaked as toilet water was all over the ground as she said "W-What did you do this time" as i said "I became the supreme lord of the toilet."

[✔️] The Demigod Chronicles ♆ Book 2~ The Curse of Hephaestus {*Under Editing*}Where stories live. Discover now