Chapter 29 : Phoenix get's burned and We meet Hestia

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In my hands was my father's powerful lightning bolt

It was a two foot long cylinder with celestial bronze capped on both ends with god-level electrical explosives, it was sparking with blue lightning hiding the celestial bronze, as it sparked like firecrackers.

I felt my body light up with power when i touched it as lighting was coursing through my veins as my eyes lit with thunder.

I was so scared i threw the bolt as it sizzle on the ground.

I was surprise it didn't burn the car.

"Is that, Zeus lightning bolt ?"

"I think so" as i look down at my hand covered with many burn marks.

Which shouldn't happen.

"Is your hand, burned" Calypso asked me.

"Yea" as i groaned and glanced back down at my hand seeing it covered in many red hot blister.

"I'll wrap it for you" Calypso told me

"How can you summon the lightning bolt ? " Phoenix asked rubbing pieces of glass out of hair.

"Probably how i can summon my father's trident, makes sense"

"Yea, it does" as Calypso grabbed my hand and put cream on my palm as i groaned in pain.

She wrapped my arm as she said

"There you should feel better" as i nodded as i noticed the lighting bolt was gone.

"Anyway, I'm going to go ahead and fix Phoenix's because she needs to get back in the sky"

"Yea, and decides this car's running out of gas. Again" Priscilla said.

"Well, we made it to our next stop so this curse is about to be broken" I said as my eyes meet with Phoenix's.



I was under Phoenix's underbelly taking care of her overheated system with Leo's help as he was taking a look at her panel.

"So, in order to stop the curse one of you need to carve a weapon in the forge of Hephaestus" Zoe said to me and Leo

As Leo sat up and said "I thought we stop the curse but seems like were wrong" as I came under with grime on my face and mechanic oil on my hands.

Which is a smell i enjoy.

I was dressed in a gray t shirt with camouflage pants's to my knees, with black boots and a red vest as i let a red bandanna hold up my hair as my tool belt sat on my hips.

"So Me or Leo has to stop the curse'' I said as i grabbed a screwdriver.

"Yea, i think you should do it" as I turned to him and said

"And i should do it because"

"So you can prove yourself to Hephaestus"

"Haven't i done that but going on this quest and getting claimed by him ?" i asked Leo as Calypso said

"It doesn't matter who stop the curse all that matter is the curse is stop"

"And why does it have to be me ?"

[✔️] The Demigod Chronicles ♆ Book 2~ The Curse of Hephaestus {*Under Editing*}Where stories live. Discover now