Warm In My Affections (mullette kinda smut)

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The drinks Lafayette had consumed was clouding his brain, he really shouldn't have had so much. But, here he was drinking away. After his last shot of god knows what he signaled for another but the bartender with a kind face and red lips waved a finger at him cutting him off. He couldn't make out her name tag, his line a vision was blurred but he was sure it started with an M..ma? Maybe, he couldn't really tell. She wiped her hands on her red apron quickly and took the time to lead him to the door. He stumbled the whole way, curls in his once neat pony tail straying away into his face. She opened the door politely for him and he stepped out but before he could bid her a goodbye she planted a soft kiss on his cheek.
"Stay safe, stranger." She said with that kind smile and then she turned back into the bar without another word.
He stumbled out into the sidewalk. Then the drunken realization hit him. He was totally obliterated, he couldn't even remember his password to his phone to order an Uber home.
He did know one place though. Hercules was just down the block. His best friend. The love of his life that didn't even remotely reciprocate his feelings. He knew vaguely that in his drunken state that he might say something to Herc that he might regret, but once again he was to drunk to care. He lumbered his way down the street to the apartment building, getting many peculiar looks from people along the way. Finally he came to a particularly nice apartment building. Ah merde what is herc's room number again? 30–304? No! 305, that's right. He rode up to the 3rd floor on the elevator, thinking vaguely about how lucky he was that it was past midnight therefore not many people were awake therefore the lobby and elevator was empty. The elevator doors open and he shuffled out. He used the wall for support to walk on the way to herc's place. Finally the 305 door loomed in front of him. He put all his weight onto the door and hit the door bell rapidly—well as rapidly as a ridiculously intoxicated French-man could do. He heard shuffling from inside the doorway and then suddenly his support was gonna and he fell forward only to be replaced by a strong pair of arms. He was pulled up to lean against a wall in the doorway.
"Herc! Mi amour!" He exclaimed excitedly, throwing his arms around Hercules' neck.
"Heyyyy buddy" Hercules said softly patting his back, using his free hand to close his open door. He immediately realized that Lafayette was plastered.
"Tu m'as manque!" (I've missed you!)
Hercules has learned enough French to understand Lafayette and he knew he was drunk but still couldn't help but blush at his words.
"Yea yea, come on tuff guy, let's get you to bed." He curls said leading him to bed.
Lafayette couldn't quite understand why it was the time for bed.
"Hercccc" he whined, "Je ne veux pas" he slurred still hanging off of Hercules.
"English please" Hercules began but stopped short in the middle of his bedroom doorway.
"What the hell is that?" he growled. Hercules grabbed Lafayette's face a bit roughly in a fit of jealousy. Right there on his cheek was a red lipstick kiss mark on his cheek.
"Hmm?" Lafayette murmured sweetly.
"Who have you been kissing?" He spat, examining laf's face further for more marks, but finding none.
"Why...why doez it matter toyouuu?" Lafayette said attempting to drunkenly put his hands on his hips in a sassy way, struggling to stay in english.
Even though Lafayette wasn't for Hercules to call his he was still jealous whenever any one showed him any type of romantic attention, god how he wanted Lafayette.  Shaking his head quickly he snapped to push Lafayette to the bedroom.
"Bed. Now." He said gruffly and hoarsely, trying to contain his jealously.
"Mi amour..." Lafayette began dragging his finger down the center of Hercules' chest, while Herc did his damndest not to react. He was drunk and he didn't know what he was doing. He finally had gotten Lafayette to bed, but when he tried to push laf down onto the bed, Lafayette grabbed Hercules by the collar pulling him down with him into the bed.
"Laf, stop it. Right now." Hercules rumbled, trying to pull himself off of Lafayette but Lafayette only pulled him down harder with surprising force. Their noses were inches apart and Herc was holding his breath.
"Herculesss, I'm nottt that drunnnnk" he was trying to be seductive. He was gonna regret this tomorrow. Lafayette grabbed one of the hands that Hercules was using to support himself over Lafayette and being his herc's thumb up to his lips, kissing it softly. Hercules' breath hitched as he felt himself start to harden and he wanted to give in so badly but he knew it wouldn't be right. Lafayette made a "hmm" noise vibrating his lips against his thumb,sending  the vibrations straight to his dick. He jerked away from Lafayette's grasp immediately.
"Please" his voice came of more huskily than intended "go to bed"
After a moments hesitation Lafayette responded.
"Yesss Sir" he said biting his bottom lip and eyeing Hercules.
Hercules hurried to the bathroom to calm himself. He splashed cold water on his face and tried to calm himself down because he was really starting to get hard from Lafayette's behavior. His jeans were uncomfortably tight. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he said fuck it and locked the door to the bathroom.
He leaned against the door and unbuttoned his jeans, discarding them in a heap on the floor. He began to softly palm himself through his boxers, using his free hand to cover the moans threatening to escape from his mouth. He had enough of teasing himself so he shoved his hands into his boxers and stroked his now fully hard member.
He let out a soft "mmphf", his hand muffling the sound somewhat but he immediately scolded himself for being to loud anyways. Thinking of Lafayette the way he was now... wanting him...looking at me with those soft, determined eyes. Those curly locks of hair that escaped from the band meant to contain his hair. He felt himself getting closer to release as he pumped faster and faster.
Lafayette's soft lips, his smile, the way he called me mi amour. These very thoughts drove him over the edge to release in his own hand. He dropped his hand from his mouth, letting out a sigh. He cleaned himself up with some baby wipes he always kept in the bathroom. Then grabbed a spare pair of boxers in his cabinet under he sink, not bothering with pants. He slipped his shirt off and threw it in the ground, he couldn't sleep fully clothed anyways, he get to hot. Another thing he loved about Lafayette, he was always cold to the touch. He could cool me down so easily and he would whine that I'd warm him up, I was like his own personal heater, which is why we always ended up basically cuddling when we watching movies together. God I loved when he'd fall asleep on my soldier and I could play with his hair as he slept and admire him and all his beauty. Cheesy, I know, but god I was an absolute fool for him.
I composed myself fully, unlocking the bathroom door and walking back into the connected bedroom.
There lied Lafayette his hair down, in nothing but his tank-top that served as an undershirt to the white button up that now lied crumpled on his floor and Calvin Klein boxers. This boy will be the death of me.
He was channel surfing on my TV when I walked in but he stopped and put down the remote when he saw me.
"Herc~" he began. His eyes were still clearly gazed over with the drunken state he was in.
"Oh good lord, please don't start this again, I don't think I can take it" I said basically whining and pouting as I did it. I walked to the other side of the bed laying down on top of the covers, it already being to hot for me, but if I turned up the AC I knew laf would be cold.
"Hercules~?" He let out a sigh before turning his head slightly to Lafayette.
"Yes laf?" I asked
"I'm colllld" he slurred out.
"Well then, come here" I immediately shot back without thinking, but it was too late, I mentally slapped myself.
He was already at my side. He draped his long, slender, muscular arm across my toned stomach. I tensed up, waiting for to try something. When he didn't I looked at him and he was fast asleep, his chest rising and falling evenly and calmly. He was gonna have a head of a headache tomorrow.
I sighed and wrapped my arm around him, closing my eyes as well, slipping into a restful sleep.

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