Warm in my affections pt. 2 (smut)

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Lafayette awoke to the searing pain in his head and a arm around his waist. He brung his hand up to rub his forehead, only flashes of the night before running through his head. Finally, he opened his eyes, squinting against the light filtering in through the window. What time was it? He went to sit up but the arm around his waist firmly held him in place. He looked up to see.
Hercules was still fast asleep, his chest rising and falling evenly, snoring ever so slightly. He felt his cheeks heat up at the sight. Hercules was above the covers in nothing but his underwear.
"Merde" (shit) he muttered to himself. He felt his face burning with red.
He couldn't help the feelings he got when Herc held him like this. The way the muscles on his lower body ripples ever so slightly with each breath, the perfectly carved V shape leading into his boxers. Dieu, il etait si sexy. (god, he is so sexy).
He finally tore his eyes away to crane his neck to see the alarm clock in the bedside table. 8:34 a.m. he sighed in annoyance, Laf always was an early riser, no matter the circumstances. He relaxed back into Hercules' arm, feeling it tighten around him. So warm and sweet. He knew Hercules wasn't his but he'll be damned if he couldn't pretend, even if just for a moment. He cuddled into Hercules side at the sad thought.
About 10 minutes later of lafayette just staring at Hercules perfect features, creepy he knew but he couldn't help himself, Hercules stirred. Lafayette was quick to close his eyes and feign sleep when he felt Hercules' body become restless. He felt the arm around his waist tighten even more as he felt Hercules turn to face him. It took all his will not to open his eyes or lean into him even more.
He felt Hercules' finger tips brush stray strands of hair out of his face and then come to a rest on his hand in his cheek.
That was soon replaced with Hercules' forehead pressed gently against Lafayette's. Suddenly, another memory of last night came back to him. Lafayette drunkenly pulling Hercules onto the bed on top of him. Him calling Herc mi amour. How embarrassing. He was pulled from his thoughts by Hercules' voice gruff with sleepiness.
"Laf" was all he said, but it was enough to light his body on fire.
His voice was always sexiest when he woke up. Deeper than usual and a bit like a growl. It always made Hercules irresistible, but Laf still resisted, or at least as best as he could. Herc wouldn't take to kindly to Lafayette's not so platonic feelings towards him, or so he thought.
"Laf" he said slightly louder as pushes his forehead against his slightly harder.
Lafayette's eyes shot open to come face to face with Herc. He was mere inches away from his lips.
"Hercules" he whispered back.
"How do you feel?" He asked with a small smile, rubbing small circles into Lafayette's hips.
"Like merde" (shit) he answered back, causing Herc to let out a small chuckle.
He sobered up suddenly, boring his eyes straight into Lafayette's.
"Do you remember last night any?" He asked softly, a worried expression.
Lafayette felt his cheeks and ears heat up and he knew that with even how dark he was his blush was more than likely very visible.
"K-kind of" the unsureness of his own voice startled him. He scolded himself for not being more confident.
He brung his hands up to hide his face, but Hercules caught his wrist and pushed them down.
"Laf" he said, his voice breaking with an emotion he couldn't quite place. It wasn't sadness or anger.
Hercules didn't know what was coming over him. But Lafayette really just brought out that side of him...god he wanted him so badly. And when he covered his face in adorable embarrassment...let's just say that Lafayette made Hercules a weak man.
Lafayette brought those dark caramel eyes back to meet Hercules'.
A very weak man.
Hercules crashed his lips into Lafayette's.
"Mmph!" The noise that came from the smaller made him only want to kiss harder, but He pulled away when he didn't feel Lafayette kiss. Back.
Lafayette stares at him lips parted and eyes wider than he ever though possible in surprise. Hercules immediately felt like an idiot.
"Laf I- um, oh god I'm sorr—!" He couldn't even finish his sentence because Lafayette quickly regained composure and pushed his lips onto Hercules with even more force that Hercules had when Herc instigated the first kiss.
Lafayette felt Hercules' arm slip away from around his waist and was about to protest but stopped short when Hercules flipped himself on top of Laf, holding his arms up on either side on Lafayette to keep himself from pushing all his weight onto him.
Hercules ran his tongue over Lafayette's bottom lip, asking for entrance. Lafayette kept his lips closed together tightly, teasing Hercules. Hercules was not having that. Hercules bit laf's bottom lip harshly, evoking a moan out of Lafayette, with which Herc used to his advantage to push his mouth open on Lafayette's. He explored Lafayette's mouth vigorously, Laf responded just the same. Lafayette wrapped his arms around Hercules neck and his legs around herc's hovering hips and pulled his weight down forcefully on top of him.
Hercules reciprocated by putting his hand on his sides and rubbed up and down, pulling another moan from his mouth. Herc brought his knee up to brush softly against his crotch, extracting another moan from his mouth. He felt Lafayette smile just a fraction against his mouth. He finally detached his mouth from lafayette's, trying to catch his breath.
Lafayette was a sight to see, below him, panting, clearly hardening through his boxers and he knew he was hard as well. He leaned down to whisper into laf's ear.
"What do you want baby~?" He whispered huskily.
Lafayette's breath hitched and the grip his legs had around Herc's waist tightened. He brung one of his hands up to tug Lafayette's head of curls back slightly, giving him better access to his ear. Lafayette moaned again at the pain. He used his free hand to push it up laf's shirt and to rub tenderly across his chest.
"Tell me what you want." He demanded biting the bottom of his ear softly, making Lafayette squirm under his tightening grip. Finally Lafayette responded.
"You! Please, I want you Hercu—!" He was cut off by Hercules raking his teeth softly across his neck, raising another filthy noise from him. "Yea? what else~?" He said, vibrating against laf's throat.
He brung his fingertips of the hand on his chest down to the hem of his boxers playing with is a bit. He kept his other hand in a tight hold buried deep in Lafayette's hair. He brung his face to kiss down Lafayette's chest and when he got down to his lower stomach, he looked up to Lafayette's face, awaiting an answer.
"God, Herc s'il vous plait! Baise moi s'il te plait!" (Please! Please fuck me!") he exclaimed needily, bucking his hips up involuntarily when Herc pressed a wet kiss, bitting softly. just above the hem of his boxers.
"Naughty boy" he growled huskily.
He momentarily stopped for a moment, bringing himself back up to face the panting Lafayette.
"If it's to much..." he pressed a chaste kiss to cheek.
"If I ever hurt you" he pressed one to his other cheek.
"Just tell me to stop okay?" Herc finished pressing another short kiss to his forehead.
He brung himself back to look at Lafayette.
Lafayette smiled sweetly up at him and pulled him down into a kiss, a loving and caring one.
He pulled away after a moment but was still so close that his lips were still touching Lafayette's ever so slightly.
"Okay" Lafayette conformed.
That was all Hercules needed.
Hercules wasted no time, bringing himself back down to settle between Lafayette's legs. He gave one more glance up at laf's face for reassurance and once he nodded, Herc was edged no time practically ripping the boxers off of Lafayette, letting his erection spring free. He began to kiss from the knee up, leaving hickeys and and marks littered all up his thigh. He was determined to make him beg for it. Lafayette was writhing and moaning, clenching at the bedsheets with his fists. He got sucked harder on his upper thighs, dangerously close to his exposed and fully hard member.
"Ah! Pl-Please hercu—Mmm!" He was teaching down to tug on hercs short hair.
Finally, Hercules let go of his attack on his thighs. Glancing a moment to admire his work. There were Bruises and hickeys absolutely covering the length of his upper legs. Perfect.
He brung his face close to his his erection and licked a long stripe from the base to top slowly, teasing.
"Merde! (Fuck) Ah~" he whined out, Hercules couldn't help but smile a bit.
He licked around the tip a bit bringing more erotic moans out of Lafayette's mouth.
"Oh mon dieu s'il vous plait!" (oh god, please!) he slipped into French automatically and struggled to get out the words as Hercules, suppressing his gag-reflex, took him fully into his mouth.
He began to bob his head up and down sucking slightly harder, testing to see how much Lafayette wanted, when he only moaned louder he sucked even harder, hallowing his cheeks. He pressed his finger tips into Lafayette's thighs harshly, no doubt creating even more bruises.
"Dieu, Je- je suis p-proche!" (god, I'm- I'm close!) he moaned out gripping Hercules' hair. even harder.
Hercules immediately popped off much to Lafayette's whined of protest.
"Shhh" he cooed coming up and pressing a kiss to Lafayette's lips, Lafayette responded eagerly. He broke the kiss for a moment to pull Lafayette's tank top off, leaving him completely naked. He re-initiated the kiss and reached over with his hand to pull open the drawer of the desk side table. He pulled out a tube of lube easily, never breaking the kiss. He finally pulled pack for air and to pop the cap on the lube. He squirted some on to his fingers making sure they were slick. He didn't want to hurt Lafayette unless it lafayette wanted it. He pressed chaste kisses all over his face as he let his hand creep down to his ass. He landed back on his lips as he began to circle Lafayette's entrance. He pulled back for a moment.
"You sure?" He asked softly. He was so soft on this boy. He was afraid he would break him like glass is he pushed to much.
"Oui!" He said slightly exasperated, pressing roughly into his mouth again. Finally, he slowly pushed one digit into his entrance, he felt Lafayette tense from under him, but quickly relaxed after a moments hesitation.
He began to move his finger around, drawing a small moan from the man. After a bit of stretching he slowly pushed in a second finger moving now in a scissoring motion.
"Ah~" Lafayette began to grind down on his fingers as he added a third.
He was full on writhing and begging and pleading for more. All but screaming as he hit his prostate. He began to repeatedly slam into that spot driving Laf crazy.
Finally, Hercules pulled his fingers out, Lafayette's whining as he did so.
"P-please" he begged.
"Please what baby?" Herc cooed back.
"Oh dieu! Fuck me. Baise moi!" (Fuck me) he whined out.
Hercules smiles as he once again popped the cop the lube, slipping out of his boxers easily, his erection springing free. He lathered the lube on his dick liberally making sure he would cause the least about of un-pleasurable pain as possible.
"Ready baby?" He murmured softly.
"Oui please!" He begged.
Hercules lined himself up with Lafayette's entrance. He slowly pushed in seeing Lafayette put a hand over his mouth to keep quiet, tears prickling the corner of his eyes. Once he was fully in he leaned forward and kissed the tears away. He was determined to be patient until Lafayette was ready, but he didn't have to wait long.
"Move" Lafayette all but demanded with lustful eyes.
Herc began to move slowy first, but picked pace quickly as Laf demanded he'd go harder and faster, and frankly you didn't have to tell Hercules twice.
He pulled out to the edge and slammed back into Lafayette, setting a brutal pace. Lafayette's filthy moans only propelling him to go faster. He felt pure ecstasy inside of Laf. He was on cloud nine. He let out his own moan when Lafayette brung his nails up to rake them down His back harshly, definitely leaving marks.
"Ah~ baby I'm so close" he moaned huskily into Laf's ear.
"Come for me daddy~" he moaned back.
And thats all it took for Hercules to go over the edge and spill into Lafayette. He quickly wrapped his hands around Lafayette's member and pumped messily, bringing him to climax shortly after, Lafayette throwing his head back sexily and moaning Hercules' name. They rode out their highs together, Hercules then slowly pulled out, Lafayette whimpering at the sudden emptiness.
Hercules plopped down panting besides him on the bed. He leaned up and pressed a sweet kiss to Lafayette's cheek.
"You did so good baby." He cooed, pulling Lafayette's into his arms to hold tightly.
"Mi amour..." he murmured back wrapping his arms around the back of Herc's neck closing his eyes sleepily, but Hercules wasn't done with his teasing yet.
"Laf" he said sing song like.
"Hmm?" He mumbled back sweetly.
"Did you call me daddy~?" he cooed.
Laf's eyes shot open to look at him.
"Oui" he said cheekily running his pointer finger down the center of Hercules' chest.
"And you liked it" he suavely. It was finally herc's then to blush which drew a tired giggle out of Lafayette.
Hercules and Lafayette just pulled each other closer.
"Hey Hercu—OH Christ on a cracker!" There was a shout from the doorway and there stood Alexander, herc's roomate, looking actually rested for once and not as broken as when he left yesterday morning and didn't come back last night.
Hercules and Lafayette whipped their head around to look. Hercules took a spare pillow and threw it in Alexander's face.
"Get out!" Hercules shouted as Alexander started giggling like a school girl, running and closing the door in the way out.
"Oh and hey!" Herc shouted to get Alex's attention.
"What?" Alexander shot back
"Where were you last night?" Herc shouted so he could hear him through the wall.
"I was um...working..." was the only response he got back.
Lafayette smiled a knowing smile and pressed a kiss to Hercules' inquisitive expression.
"Sleep mi amour" he murmured.

And so they did

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