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Herc's pov
I walked through the door of my 2 bedroom apartment at 10:36 pm exactly. Work kept me late and I knew Lafayette probably couldn't keep his eyes open past 9:30, so I wasn't expecting imagine to be awake. I shoved off my coat and pulled my tie off from around my neck, dropping both on the coffee table besides the door. I shook my head at the previous thought m. Why would Lafayette stay awake for my sake anyway. I've kind of devolved a little bit of a one-Sided crush to the guy. A crush. How ridiculous, I sound like some stupid infatuated high schooler. I don't wanna creep him out so I keep it to myself though.
I walked my way down the Greyish beige walls, almost pausing at Lafayette's door, but I kept it together and went down one more door to my room. No point in waking him and embarrassing myself. I reached for my door knob but stopped short. The picture next to it caught my eye.
It was a picture of me and Lafayette, smiling, happy. He put that up two days after we started living together. We just clicked like that I guess.
I shook myself out of my thoughts and turned the doorknob.

3rd person pov:

What Hercules didn't expect to see was Lafayette himself. He froze in his tracks as the door swung open gently, a small creak emitting from it. Not enough to make Lafayette stir, Hercules thought as he realized he was asleep. But why in Hercules' bed? The thought consumed him as possible answers swam wildly through his mind. The shadows the light from the hallways threw into the room lit the room with not only light with shadows of creatures that seemed to come alive all at once. A coat hanging on a chair was suddenly a wicked creature, the lamp on his desk was a deformed monster, and Lafayette lay curled into his soft light purple comforter, more on the pastel side. A feminine color, Hercules thought when he bought it, but after a second thought he decided that he didn't care, no would not care. Deep down, he knew the real reason he got that particular bed set was because he couldn't help but think of the way they'd compliment Lafayette, though he wouldn't admit it. It was a nice color to compliment his skin tone, his curls that normally were in some form of messy bun, his voice, thick with accent. Hercules wouldn't admit this to himself though. He most likely never would.
He was thrown from the inner workings of his thought process by Lafayette shifting ever so slightly, making himself more comfortable most likely. Herc realized he had been frozen in the doorway like a deer in headlights and softly but quickly grabbed the door and closed it gently behind him, not wanting the light flooding in the room from the halls to disrupt Lafayette's sleep.
It dawned on him that he didn't know what to do, how to react. What was the appropriate reaction to something like this? Do roommates do this normally. Was Hercules the one making it weird with his twisting thoughts going down deeper and deeper into the depths of a rabbit hole he did not know with witch he would return from.
He made it to the edge of the bed, feeling like he was moving to slow but not fast enough. He rocked on his feet for a moment, contemplating.
Finally he decided, sort of.
He sat down on the side of the bed, opposite the man whom vexed him so completely. Then gently he put his hand on Lafayette shoulder,  almost caressing the exposed skin of his shoulder as he realized he was shirtless. With a deep breath he shook his shoulder softly.
Lafayette grumbled and attempted to knock his hand away sleepily. Hercules shook just a little early and Lafayette cracked his eyes open finally. Once he became aware of his surrounding he sat up at the speed of lighting.
"I zid not mean to fall zesleep" his accent was thick, almost not understandable. Almost.
"What are you doing in my bed?" He asked softly questioning.
Suddenly he realized he was staring and he dropped his gaze then he realized he still had a hand on his shoulder, hastily, he let it drop.
"I was waiting for you" he said throwing a curious look at Hercules, asking where he'd been so late.
"Work" he answered the silent question and understanding interfered his eyes.
"So you just decided to take a nap in my bed?" He asked, a joke playing on his lips for only a moment.
"Wait" a thought came to him suddenly
"Why were you eating for me?"
This now was the question that was eating at him, gnawing away at some part of his brain that was driving him crazy.
"I- um...oh merde"
"Hm—?"Hercules began, but he stopped short what in the good nation of fuck was all that was running through his mind as Lafayette shoved him down onto the bed. He leaned over the top of Hercules, a stance glint catching his eyes as a nearby street light that was shining softly through the window caught it. His eyes were suddenly lit up like some type of golden brownish liquid floating in his eyes. Not like syrup but so fiery like a new form of lava, his eyes sure did burn him holes into his.
"Wha—?" But he was cut off again.
"Shh, let moi talk" he said pressing his pointer finger softly but firmly to Hercules' lips.
"I waz vwaiting for you vecause..." he trailed off, at loss for words it seems. The usually confident Lafayette seemed so timid now.
Hercules parted his lips to say something but lafayette absentmindedly pressed his finger harder to his lips. After a moments hesitation, he let his hand fall to Hercules' chin, using his pointer finger and thin to hold his chin to keep him from breaking his gaze from Lafayette.
"Zu know I'm not very good zat expressing myself with words..."
"Yea..." Hercules whispered.
He was anticipating Lafayette's next sentence, every nerve in his body was screaming for Hercules to scream for Lafayette to spit it out. The fire that has seemed to sink into his skin only grew hotter the more Lafayette's gaze intensified.
He is so beautiful.
Hercules couldn't push that thought to the back of his mind, instead this one stayed and manifested. Everything about him is just so incredibly beautiful.
"Can't I just show you?" He finally spoke and his words were like honey coating and soothing a throat that had been burning and sore. But the relief was temporary.
"Yes" he whispered but it was like his own voice was a thousand miles away and Lafayette was the thing bringing the sound to life.
Lafayette has suspicion And disbelief in his eyes, almost scared. But nonetheless, he pushed the blanket off of himself completely revealing himself to only be in his boxers. Hercules felt his face heat ups and he thanked himself for the room being just dark enough to not be able to make the blush out on his face.
Suddenly Lafayette aura kind of shifted. He didn't seem so nervous anymore. He seemed painfully aware. Of what, Hercules did not know.
Lafayette swung one leg to the other side of Hercules and sat up, straddling him.
Hercules let out a small gasp. Did Lafayette even realize what he was doing? What effect this has on Hercules?
He brushed his delicate fingers against his lips, the light from the street lamp now caught most of his face, it was a golden light and in that moment he was an ancient emperor, meant to be adored and worshipped.
Then he leaned down, strands of those ultra defined curls falling into his face. He moved his hands and planted them in Hercules' chest.
He hesitated as he felt Hercules' heartbeat going crazy. There wasn't much of a rhythmic beat to it just a fantastical beating against his chest. Lafayette then realized he enjoyed the feeling of power and being able to hold it over someone.
With that he forcefully pushed his lips into Hercules, ignoring the hesitation in Hercules' response. If he paid attention to that, Lafayette knew he'd loose his courage.
With great relief, Hercules began moving his lips against his. Hercules bring a hand up and buried it his hair. His warm lips embraced Hercules' so well. Like s puzzle piece that a child had lost a piece to but finally found and put together. It was satisfying and savory. Hercules' thought that if Lafayette's intention was to kill him by stealing the breath right out of his body, then he'd let him.
But then he pulled away all to soon. Hercules let a groan of annoyance slip and he began to sit up to chase his lips but the hands on his chest pushed him back down.
"Hercules" he whispered, sweet subduction now seemed to be emitting from him.
Without warning he softly ground down on Hercules, making the man sound an audible take in of breath that sounded more like a hiss.
"Yea?" Lafayette questioned
"Yea." Hercules answered back automatically. His eyes were begging for more as if he'd catch flame if he didn't get some type of cooling agent or release from the heat.
Suddenly he ground down again and slightly harder and dipped down to reconnect their lips. This time he would not let lafayette get away so easily. He captured the mans lips in us own. Kissing him as if he needed it to survived, he ran his tongue against his lower lip and Lafayette's parted his lips, granting access to explore his mouth and all its fantastical secrets.
They stayed for a moment content to be close in this way, not realizing that both of them wanted it since the day they met. Hercules has his fingers buried in Lafayette's hair and the other hand squeezing his waist, trying to get a chance to create more friction between their hips with the grinding.
Then, Like an expert, Lafayette began unbuttoning Hercules' shirt. Hercules squirmed a bit under his touch. He pushed his shirt open and sat up enough for Lafayette to push the shirt down his arms and off his torso.
He used his now free hand s tog rah Hercules' face, his hands one other side of his reddened face.
He smiled so genuinely, Hercules wasn't sure his heart would ever stop fluttering when he saw that smile.  Lafayette pressed his forehead to Hercules'. Then he mumbled three words that made every muscle in Hercules' body go soft like jello and his brain turned into wicked sand.
"I love you"

Part 2?

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