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I really don't know what I am doing anymore 😅

Lots of awkwardness and meaningless conversations😂

3rd pov

-hey so umm.
Do you have any idea why are we sharing a dream?

Wooyoung asked breaking the awkward silence between the two.

San thought for a moment then blushed.

-You might think I'm crazy but hear me out. I'm pretty sure you heard of this , but I'll ask you anyway.
Have your friends or family ever talked about stuff like soulmates and all those cliché stuff?
Well once I read an old book when i was much younger.
It talked about people sharing dreams. Not everyone shared dreams thought. Only the people who were connected. That connection was kinda like soulmates, but still different.
What if...you know?

San asked as he trailed off at the end.

-Yeah. You were right. I think you're crazy.

Wooyoung said as he blushed at the thought.

-But, you have a good point there. I actually read a story similar to this one.

Wooyoung whispered, too shy to say it out loud.

(Ugh I'm soft uwu)

They once again just sat there on the bench in an awkward silence.

-Why are you a guy?

San asked all of a sudden.

-Excuse me?

Wooyoung gasped. Feeling offended.

-I mean if we're like soulmates and stuff aren't I suppose to have a connection with a girl then?
Like I'm a guy.

-Haven't you heard of homosexuality?
Like where did you live? Under a rock?

-Calm down. I'm just overthinking. Dont get offended. I don't have any problem with you being a guy I'm just surprised that you're a guy.

San explained.

-Yeah, sure.

Wooyoung scoffed. Crossing his arms while pouting.

-Come on!
You were so cute and shy a minute ago and now you're just like a grumpy teenage girl who's on her period. Dont get me wrong, you're cute when you're grumpy but it doesn't really suit you.

Wooyoung was about to say something back but then he froze.

-Did you just call me cute?

Wooyoung blushed furiously.

-Well yeah? I mean it's not a lie.

San said as he leaned closer to Wooyoung's face and looked in his eyes with a big grin on his lips.
Wooyoung blushed more if that was even possible as he tried his best not to get lost in the olders beautiful eyes.
But he of course failed.
Like, who wouldn't?

TOY ◾ WooSan Ateez ✔ [UNDER BEING REWRITTEN AND FIXED]Where stories live. Discover now