Ch. 1 - Meeting my subconscious

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There are people born into this world with a little something call fate. It was fate they were born. It was fate that their father's or mother's were or weren't there for them. 

It was fate they were raised in whichever sort of household they grew up in, either being a nice family that goes on road trips every month or to the beach or traveling, or blah blah blah. You get the gist of it, right?

Fate is fate, yada, yada, yada. In the end, fate no matter what occurs is always relevant. It can change most certainly, for the good or bad. 

I'd like to think everyone has a destined plan, like God's plan. Well, God must be one indecisive all mighty being when it come to me.

It's either the system is rigged, or God decided to do a re-take when it came to my fate. I could imagine him sitting their doodling all over her little life plan. That's the only reason I could imagine for why the hell this was happening.

Of course it had to be me, when I was finally thriving in this world. I won't tell you about my day before it happened, or what I was doing because it's unimportant and I highly doubt you care. It's not the reason you're reading this for anyway.

Honestly it might have just been all my fault and I'm using the concept of fate and 'God's plan' as an excuse. Walking on the train tracks by myself didn't sound like the best idea now did it? Oh well, it did then, (did it really?)

Anyway long story short I was walking the track, high out of my mind which again, was also my fault. Now that I looked at it, it definitely was my fault.

My foot got stuck under the rails and holy hell I never knew those things were that heavy. Train came and I guess I did try to survive? If you could call it that, basically my enormously high self thought I could go under the train to avoid being hit, like in the parkour videos and stuff, you know?

Well it didn't work because I obviously wouldn't be here right now if it did. Short story short(er) I died from getting hit by a train. Fun. or at least I think I died.

Honestly I could have been dreaming because the next thing I knew I woke up (did I wake up?)  to find myself in one of those clinic beds, with the crinkly sheets that always tore so easily. By myself I sat up, ripping the sheet in the process, and stood up.

Where was I, the hospital obviously. But why did it look so, so weird. Instead of the usual pristine white wall,ceiling, and floors of a hospital, it was more, more messy?

It was kind of a blend between a public school bathroom and a trap house(minus the people) mixed with a hospital. It was sketchy and dodgy and I wished I could have found a nicer room, or even a person to talk to?

Fate said, nah.

Instead I did the next best thing and walk out of my disgusting and falling-apart hospital room into the more disgusting and falling apart hallway.

Oh, now it was giving me school vibes, even worst.

Grass and weeds sprouted out of the cracks in the ceiling and floors, I kind of looks like a mild earthquake had come through here. It really needed some touching up.

I kept walking down hallways after hallway, turning leave then right then right then left before deciding not to go left and turning right again.

Honestly it was a maze for me, whichever door I stumbled upon was labeled with weird markings. Of what? I had no idea.

I didn't open them, they weren't mine and for some reason that made sense.

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