Ch. 2 - Not a dream

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It was not a dream. I later found out. Of course I was told it wasn't so again it was my fault for not taking it seriously. i never took things seriously though.

How could I take this seriously. My apparent subconscious belittling me was in fact real, which shouldn't have been as shameful as it was.

Oh well, I made peace with the fact that my old world was far out of my reach now. Not that I cared too much, I never really liked how boring life expectancies were.

But here. In the freaking Naruto-Universe, I could basically do anything. Oh, oppressive government? Okay let me kill my entire clan and maybe you'll get the message.

Another thing that was, ahem, not to brag but, convenient about ending up in Naruto was I practically knew everything.

It was already such a huge advantage, but to have a bloodline too. Fate really works in mysterious ways doesn't she?

But I knew I couldn't get my hopes up. Nope. A rule I stuck by in my past life was never get your hopes up, then you'll never be hurt when they come crashing down.

Woah, that was really sad.

But either way I had to make sure I could back up being a shinobi. My plan, which was a little mainstream, was to become S-rank. A high powering shinobi whose name strikes fear in the hearts of others.

Aha. Ugh.

Hm, I really needed to get out more, being a baby sucked. There was nothing to do except for dream big, eat, sleep, shit, and repeat.


I really need to grow up fast, I can feel my brain cells killing themselves already.

I did have to give credit to my mother. She was a real trooper dealing with me. It's not that I cried or anything. God no. I would never disgrace myself that badly. Only to eat or if I spoiled myself, I swear!

No, it was the massive amount of times I've nearly kill myself, on accident of course. Being a baby left me with only so few options.

And my mother being, well- if I had to assume, a prostitute- from the bruises on her neck she always tried to cover, as well as the late nights she would always come home at. It was understandable she didn't have much time to deal with me. Leaving me by myself for hours alone, not that I minded. It gave me more time to explore, crawl around(I had yet to being walking, which was infuriating but I just couldn't balance on these weak, weak legs), and practice.

Practice what, you say? Chakra control obviously. I was somewhat of a fanatic about the narutoverse. I watched so many episode over I no doubt got the basics.

The leaf exercises being one. And while I didn't have any leaves, (as I had yet to go outside) I instead used the next best thing. Paper!

I learn quickly however that this would not work. Every time I focused my chakra, which was so weird and foreign to do, I always felt it its itching sensation made me feel uncomfortable under my skin. Like bugs in your skin or something.

The paper would rip, so I decided to say screw it and just stick to everything I could touch.

Blankets, towels, chairs, Hell I even stuck to the side of the wall for thirty seconds. Course I didn't fully understand just how little chakra I had as a child. One time my mother found me passed out on the floor from chakra exhaustion. See, here's where the nearly-accidentally killing myself comes into play.

The doctors told my mom I was 'subconsciously' She  wasting my chakra, and to keep me under close eye so I don't kill myself (again) or something like that.

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