Ch. 3 - Aftermath

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The sun shined brightly above us, Kaa-san pushed me higher and higher into the air, I laughed gleefully.

And so did Kaa-san, I loved the way her eyes gleamed and the way she smiled so wide that her gums showed. I liked it when she was genuinely happy, most days she wasn't.

"Eh, eh Asuka how about we go down the slide next, eh?"

I smiled and laughed, since that was all I could do.

She threw me into the sky, before catching me again and placing a light kiss on my head.

All I could do was smile.


Someone was screaming.

Someone was screaming at me. I raised my head, (since when did it fall?) and immediately I was gifted with a wave a nausea.

My head was spinning, I closed my eyes but it only got worst. Who was screaming.

As ka  a e up...! Asu  ka!  Wa e  p!


A  s  u  k  a   w  a  k  e   u  p!


Wake up!

Eyes wide and head raised, I looked around. My eyes widened and breath caught in my throat.

The roof was caved in. At least I think that was the roof. Wooden floorboards were above me, shifting unsteadily. I was on what used to be my kitchen floor, now it looked like an earthquake and a tsunami decided to redecorate it.

The small, cramped area I was fortunately able to black out under was due to the kitchen counter supporting almost all the levels above us from crushing me into dust.

I shifted on my arms before wincing, glass was embedded all over me. In my legs, arms, stomach and I'm guessing my face based on the sharp sting in my cheek and the trickle of blood dripping off my chin.


Ahhh, I'm awake! I'm awake!?

We need to get out of here right now, the buildings collapsing as we speak hurry up!

Subby rushed to speak. It was odd that he had a distinctive sound to him but, really I couldn't hear it, and even if I did— would I even recognize it. So how can I hear him if he doesn't even have a voice?

Snap out of it! We're going to die!

Their didn't seem to be anyway of escape except maybe the sweet release of death and that's a last resort.

As much as I joked, death was really not the best experience and I was hoping not to go through it again so soon.

Shifting to a low crouch and carefully trying my hardest to avoid the glass shards everywhere.

Find. A . Way.

I looked around hands shaking. I didn't know why though, there was no more raging chakra, but I could still feel its effect.

I shook more as I started to pull away chips and pieces of rumble from above me. I couldn't move anything away however. I had practically nonexistent muscles and freshly developing knee caps, key word: developing.

Find. A. Way.

My subconsciouses words repeated again and again. Find a way, find a way, hurry building is collapsing, wake up, Asuka, what do you know about chakra, chakra.

Chakra. Everyone has it. Everything has it.

I looked around once more, shifting my gaze towards the weaker objects. Fallen wood to the right, the roof was kind of everywhere, metal beams and the walls ended up scattered around the building.

It didn't matter if the roof was gone or if the neighbors furniture was blocking most the open space.

If everything had chakra, like if the air had chakra why don't I just use the chakra in the air to push chakra into me.

Wasn't there a rule about something like that? A rule stating explicitly not to do that, ever.

Maybe, but I would rather not be crushed to death today.

I never really got the gist of chakra in this world just yet. And I had barley started on finding and molding  my chakra. I lasted minutes at most before I collapse from chakra exhaustion.

But you can't get chakra exhaustion if you have a steady supply of constantly flowing chakra, right?

We die either way.

That's the type of positive vibes I'm ready for.

Without further complaints from subconscious buddy, I did what I usually practiced.

Deep slow breaths, inhale seven, hold three, exhale seven. Slow rhythmic breathing.

Closed eyes and a blank mind.

I concentrated on the constant pulse pulse pulsing of chakra throughout my body. Following it back to where my chakra was buzzing loudly. 

I felt the twirls of life in my core, pulsing madly with adrenaline. I commanded it to turn and twist in my core.

And slowly, painstakingly slow, I pulled it from my chakra center, extending through out my body slowly towards my palms.

There was a burst of pain from my forearms, I steadily ignored it in favor of not breaking concentration.

I pushed the condensed chakra out, slowly and shakily.

I pushedpushedpused against the fallen board. It didn't move an inch.

Instead of stopping, I pull at the chakra around me.  I had long since gotten used to the constant buzzing headache I felt everywhere, it became second nature by now.

But to really grasp it, and how did I even grab it, it wasn't a solid. It was like invisible smoke, my body seemed to inhale it and take it as its own.

I soon found out, that was something I really, really, should not have done.

I hadn't realized it then but, that was the day I unknowingly doomed myself.

Sharp burst of pain broke through my concentration. My body screamed. Fire lit up my veins, traveling to my muscles, tendons, ligaments. My chakra coils. I could feel my organs squirm uselessly in discomfort. Before they to, began to burn and blister.

I didn't notice my body seizing up, or the muscle tremors.

I didn't notice the howls from somewhere outside of the wreckage. I didn't notice the pure burning waves of chakra that exploded from my body. Or the way my skin peeled away from the surging intensity.

I did, however take into account the splintering pain in my head, and oh god, I was being ripped in half.

And right before gravity sent me slamming into the ground, which was the most fortune thing that could ever happen to me. I heard the scream of something, something not from me.


Ugh. This sucks. Really badly. But I needed to stop procrastinating so, here ya go!

Asuka is his name, or her name I really don't know anymore.

So if you care about the storyline, comment weather you want a protagonist or an antagonist. I kind of want the latter but I always like the bad guys so it's your turn.

;) see ya next time on, why the frick frack does this exist.~

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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