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The moon is up in the sky. The woman in the purple cape is lying in the corner, with blood staining her shoulder. She takes her cape off and uses it to cover the little girl next to her, who peacefully sleeps unaware of what is happening. The woman places her left hand on the girl's forehead and says something in a low voice. With her last breath, she places a book next to the child, and closes her eyes.

A milkmaid would find the body of the woman as the sun raises, and run away to tell someone. Several hours before that, a man would see the two people, carefully pick up the girl and the book and leave. He wouldn't dare to open the book until curiosity is about to kill him, but he would find out that the only readable thing in it was in the first page, wich read:

"Her name is Alina Nivar"

Alina Nivar: The MoonstoneWhere stories live. Discover now