IV: Shock

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Alina sighed. It was the third time Arien had opened his mouth like to say something, but closed it a moment later. It was just her or was the walk getting longer than usual?

"If you want to say something, just say it. You're exasperating me," she said, breaking the silence.

"It's just that I want to make small talk with you, but it's somehow hard."

"Fine. What were you doing up in the tree?"

"I already told you. I was waiting for someone."

"In a tree. You know I don't believe you, right?"

"Yeah, I do," Arien sighed.

Silence again. Alina felt like she had to break it.

"So, you want small talk? Tell me about yourself."

"Okay then..." Arien shrugged. "I'm fifteen, I like to be outside, and my favourite colour is blue."

"Not like that. That's random stuff. Tell me something else."

"Like what?"

"Like..." This time, it was Alina who shrugged. "Do you have family?"

"No. I used to have an older brother, but he left when I got old enough to take care of myself. He wanted me to come with him, but I told him that I could live on my own." He cleared his throat. "What about you?"

"My father lives in the town. I'm going to his house right now."

Arien looked at her expectantly.


"And what?"

"I dunno... Do you live with him?"

"Not exactly."

"Explain yourself."

"I'm a cooking assistant at the castle."

Arien scrathed his head.

"Like, a servant?"

"No. A cooking assistant."

"Sure." If Arien noticed the murderous look Alina was giving him, he didn't let it show; although that look softened after the girl took a deep breath.

"Well... Actually, I did work as a servant before," she mentioned cautiously.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't quite get the difference."

"I had figured. A cooking assistant works in the kitchen, and strictly in the kitchen, with a better pay. Servants have a much broader working field, depending on their position."

"And what position did you have?"

Although surprised by the boy's interest on the matter, Alina answered:

"The princess' servant."

"Princess Runette?"

"Don't know of any other princess in Erethia."

"Save your sarcasm, cooking assistant," Arien teased her.

"Oh, give me a break," she huffed.

"How was it, working as a servant for her?"

"Well, I was there on almost every lesson she got, so I learned a lot of stuff. History, geography, everything father couldn't teach me at home."

Alina fought a smile when thinking about the lessons. That was how she learned of the three Gods that reigned over the Nine Kingdoms: Suro, the Sun; Rina, the Moon; and Ullum, the Time. That was also how she gained knowledge of the three breeds that poblated the kingdoms: humans, elementals and shapeshifters. On the other hand, history lessons were incredibly boring, but since she wasn't obligated to pay attention, in those moments she chose not to.

Alina Nivar: The MoonstoneWhere stories live. Discover now