XI: A New Companion

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Arien got out of the tent and stretched his arms. His hair was even messier than normal and he had a red mark on his right cheek for sleeping against his hand.

"You look terrible. How much did you sleep?"

"Good morning t'you too, Alina. Any news?"

"What kind of news would I get here?"

"I dunno, you tell me," he said with a small grin.

Still as insufferable as the first day. But Alina had to make sure she wasn't crazy. She sighed and shook her head, and queried:

"Arien, do you see those bushes over there, at each side of the tent?"

"Yeah... Wait a second." He frowned at the direction Alina was pointing at.

"You noticed it too, right?"

"The bushes? Yep. There were a maple and an oak here and they are gone. And there's absolutely no way I'm just confused because an acorn fell right in front of my eyes and I catched it." To prove his point, he put a hand in his pocket and took out a small acorn.

"That's what I thought. So Kita was telling the truth."

"Well, with the sounds we heard last night I didn't have any doubt about that," the boy pointed.

"Whatever, let's get our things out of the tent. We shouldn't waste daylight at least until we get out of this damn part of the forest."

"Are you guys going to go?" Alina turned her head to see Kita right next to them, smiling at them. It creeped her out how she didn't see her approaching nor standing there.

"You... startled me," she said to the girl.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, really. But, as I said, I guess you guys are leaving now, right?"

"Well, yes," Arien said. "We have to."

"It's okay!" Kita interrupted him. She proceeded to talk in a more calmed tone of voice. "It's okay. You need to go to Seaturn Village."

"Yes, that's right," Alina assented, a little confused by the girl's reaction.

"Yes. I thought you might have wanted to stay more, but of course you need to leave. It wouldn't be safe for you to stay here anyway. Do you guys want to keep the tent?" She was talking so fast. It seemed as she was talking to herself more than to them until she asked them about the tent.

"Well, it would be nice, but-"

"Really? Thanks!" Arien interrupted Alina, heading towards the tent to dismantle it.

"Woah there Arien, hold up. We do need a tent, but it's still Kita's." The boy stopped, annoyed.

"Oh, you guys don't need to worry about that! I have some more, take it!" Kita exclaimed, causing Arien to continue on his way. Alina sighed and followed him.

In a few minutes they were ready to go. They thanked Kita for everything and went on following the course of the river. Arien looked back with what looked like remorse.

"Are you sure it's right to leave her here?"

"What do you mean? She lives in the forest."

"I know, but she said it's 'the most infamous part of the forest', so why does she live there? Besides, her parents are nowhere to be seen. And she keeps acting so weird."

Alina grabbed her elbows.

"I don't like it, either. But we can't bring her with us. It's risky and it's supposed to be secret."

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