A strange man in a purple suit and a mustache with no mouth- yes, no mouth- introduced himself as Satotz, the examiner for the First Phase of the Hunter Exam. How can he talk with no mouth? Or maybe it's just hidden? Somehow? I vaguely remembered him. All he said was to follow him, and soon, everyone around me began to move forwards.
Woah... I thought as I jogged with the crowd. I knew I'd be taking the Hunter Exam, but... I can't believe I'm doing this for real. My body was filled with adrenaline. Everyone around me began to move faster, then sprint, then full on run in order to keep up with the examiner.
I knew for a fact that I would usually get tired after just a few minutes (especially at this speed), but for some reason, in this body, I wasn't tired at all. The feeling was strange, and even pleasant. I felt like I could run a marathon.
**✿❀ time skip ❀✿**
I'd been running for about two hours when I suddenly heard shouting up ahead, which was something to pay attention to other than the hushed mutters and footsteps of everyone else. If the universe sent me here, couldn't it have at least dropped off a few friends too? I picked up the speed and pushed through the thick crowd. Amazingly, I wasn't tired yet. This new body had insane endurance, especially for a kid.
And then I almost tripped over myself when I saw the same tall man in a suit yelling at Killua, who was leisurely riding his skateboard. I recognized the four of them immediately. The amber-eyed boy was talking to the man, and the girly-blond-who-is-actually-a-dude was running alongside them with a deadpan expression.
It's them! The main characters I saw in my flashbacks! Even just seeing them made me feel more comfortable and excited at the same time. Because I knew these were four people I could trust in this world, even though we were actually strangers. What a strange concept.
It looked like they were arguing about the skateboard. "This is a test of endurance! You can't use your skateboard!" the man with the suit insisted. I frowned after recalling the exact words of the examiner. "Satotz only told us to follow him. He never said anything about how you were allowed to do so," I butted in before I could stop myself. Oh shit... Well, I guess I had to talk to them eventually. That is, if I want to regain my memories and become more than the side character who dies in episode five.
All four of them turned to look at me, and I immediately regretted my choice of words. "And who are you?" Suit Man asked, notes of anger in his voice. "It doesn't matter who I am. I was just telling the truth," I responded. An irk mark appeared over his head. "Excuse me?" he yelled. I glared at him. "Jesus Christ... quiet down. This is a cave, it echoes, and no one wants a repeat of that." The others stifled a laugh. Was Suit Man always this fiery?
"Tch. You shouldn't disrespect your elders!"
"And you shouldn't scold someone when they haven't even broken the rules!"
We glared at each other and I could've sworn electricity flashed. Must be an anime thing. "Now, now, you two... calm down," the blond said. "Calm down? This brat is acting so high and mighty!" Suit Man complained. "I just stated the facts!" I argued."Oh shut up, brat!"
"Old man!"
"Anger issues!""STOP!"
Everyone quieted down and turned to look at the spiky-haired boy. "Leorio, apologize to her. And... what's your name?" he asked. "Ev-" I paused. "Aki. I'm Aki." Ah... that was close. I almost said my actual name. "And Aki, you should apologize to Leorio too. You're right about the skateboarding part, but arguing and calling each other names isn't the solution." Ah... this kid is such an angel. And the Suit Man's name is Leorio, huh? That definitely rings a bell.
It started with an old tv 📺 (reborn in hxh)
FanfictionEvelyn Mouri was a normal 17-year-old girl. (Was.) One day, she finds a strange old TV- of all things- that somehow transports her to the world of a show she watched a long time ago. How will she navigate through her new life as a completely differe...