Chapter IV

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The next morning was the same, except this time, Miles was stuck in a car with his mother extremely early in the morning. Both Miles and Min-Lee decided it was best if Miles kept his headphones on the whole ride, making sure they didn't get on each other's nerves. When the two finally arrived at the school, Min-Lee gave her son a loving ruffle of his hair before he went into the huge building. His day was relatively the same as the day before, until lunch.

While he was sitting, minding his own business, a kid about his height aproached him. Miles recognized the brunette teen, they had been in his Foreign Language class and talked to those weird twins. "Can I sit here for a second?" They asked, fixing the collar of their uniform. Miles absent mindedly nodded, his headphones had been abandoned this time to try and save energy on his iPod.

The fellow second year smiled slightly at him before trying to start a conversation. "I just wanted to apologize for my friends over there" They sighed, gesturing with their thumb to the twins - who were sitting with some other people that Miles didn't recognize and one that he couldn't see very well. Miles looked back to the brunette teen, shrugging a little. "My name is Haruhi by the way, Haruhi Fujioka"

Haruhi held out their hand for Miles to shake. "Miles Dontire, and it's fine I guess" The small boy mumbled, shaking Haruhi's hand. It was silent for a moment before Miles spoke up. "I'm sorry, I have to ask, but are you a boy or a girl or something in between...?" The pale boy trailed off, his twitching eyes settling on the person in front of him. Haruhi leaned across the table a bit, as if about to tell him a secret. As far as Miles knew, the teen could be.

"Biologically, I'm a girl, but I crossdress as a boy and act as a host in the Host Club my friends talked about to pay back a debt. All the girls here think I'm a boy and we have to keep it that way, so don't tell anyone, okay?" Miles nodded at Haruhi's explanation. "It's not like I talk to anyone here anyways, so that shouldn't be a problem" The girl across from him winced at his comment, but Miles pretended he didn't notice and kept talking.

"What do you guys do in that club anyways?" The question seemed to shock Haruhi, since her eyes widened a little after he asked it. Owlishly blinking, she cleared her throat to explain. "Well basically, we charge ladies to sit with us for a certain amount of time for a certain amount of money and we charm them, make them feel special and cared for in our own ways" Miles nodded, tilting his head and squeezing his eyes shut for a moment to try and stop the twitching. "That's kinda sweet - weird, but sweet. Another thing that confuses me is; why you guys seem to want me in the club?"

The teenage girl smiled, holding back a little laugh at his question. "You seriously don't realize?" Haruhi asked, amusement underlying her tone. Miles raised a pale eyebrow at her, his nose scrunching up in confusion. "I don't realize what?" Haruhi let out a little giggle and shook her head lightly. "The second you stepped onto the school premises, girls have been staring at you like they do us - and the Host Club is known to hold some of the most attractive guys in this school"

Miles scoffed, the stares weren't because of any sort of attractiveness he had, it was because of his condition. "If you don't believe me, look around - and I mean really look" The small boy sighed, lifting his head slightly and looking around the dinning hall. He was met with the gazes of several people, boys and girls alike. The attention made him want to hide away, but instead, he just flinched and nervously adjusted his glasses.

Taking Haruhi's advice, he decided to 'really look' at all of the glances and stares. Most of the girls (and some of the guys, he noted) seemed to be staring at him with a blush on their cheeks and a daydreamy look on their face. The rest would glance at someone who seemed captivated by him and then glance at him in jealously. Miles felt his face flush lightly, the porcelain color making the blush look more hot pink instead of light pink.

Jerking his head and gaze back to Haruhi, Miles hunched a little more to try and hide as best he could. "That's a little... intimidating, to say the least" Haruhi reached over and touched his shoulder in comfort. "You get used to it, trust me" Miles guessed the comment was supposed to make him feel a little better, but it definitely didn't. "But that's why we want you in the Host Club, you might as well get something out of all those looks, why not a little money, some friends and maybe even a little adventure every now and again?"

Miles sighed shakily. He was fine on his own, he hadn't had many friends growing up and he didn't really expect to make any here either. "I don't know, I'm really uncomfortable with other people and I don't really know how to 'charm' them either" Haruhi smiled, gently taking her hand off of his shoulder. "I didn't either at first, but most of these girls don't really need you to do anything, most just want you to sit there, look pretty and tell them they look pretty too" Miles chuckled at the jab to some of the rich brats at the school. "That sounds about right... I guess I might think about it, but I'm pretty sure I'll still say no"

Haruhi smiled wider, shrugging a little. "That's fine, it's not like I'm forcing you or anything, and if you really don't want to, just tell me or Kyoya-senpai and we'll tell the others to leave you be" Miles nodded before suddenly stopping and looking Haruhi straight in the eye at the familiar name. "You and who else?" Miles asked, trying to keep the squeakiness out of his voice. Surely the person that showed him around wouldn't be in that club, he seemed too serious for something like that.

Besides, Kyoya was a common Japanese name, there was probably several kids at this school with that name. "The boy with the black notebook and glasses, sitting over there" Haruhi told him, pointing to the person she was talking about at the table where Miles saw those twins sitting. Low and behold, there he was, writing who-knows-what in the notebook Haruhi mentioned and seemingly talking to one of the other boys at the table.

Miles gulped. That was him alright. As if on cue, Kyoya looked up from his notebook, his gaze finding them with ease. He stared for a moment before pushing his glasses up with his index and middle finger and looking back down at his notebook. Miles blushed a little from the stare and quickly looked away from the boy. The bell signaling the end of lunch rang and Haruhi said her goodbyes before walking back over to the other members of the club. Miles tried to avoid all the gazes he now noticed while he pondered something.

Why was someone like Kyoya in something like the Host Club?

A Lesson In Basic Etiquette (Kyoya × Male!OC)Where stories live. Discover now