Pt.6 : Wise

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A/N : Yes it's an edit.

Your P.O.V.

Almost 2 weeks went with us being busy in different schedules and literally having no time for sleep.

While this week jaehyun, taeyong, Johnny and doyoung talked alot, and we became good friends, while the rest of nct 127 was like my children, of whom I have to take care constantly, I liked it all though because there were no boring times with them.But we all needed rest.

Finally there promotions ended and it was a short 15 days vacation for them. They could literally do whatever they wanted to do in that period of time. No shooting, no schedules. And that means it was time for me to take rest.

It was the last day of schedules of this promotion, I dropped them at the dorm and I went inside my flat.

I was finally excited that I'll get to sleep and do nothing for a month!

It was 7 p.m. So I decided to take a quick shower and after that I'll make some food and watch my favorite movie "bohemian rhapsody" for the 365th time....

Okayyy time to cook food

*Ding Dong*

The bell rang. Who could be here at this time?

I went to the door and opened it and saw Jaehyun standing there looking not so happy.

"Oh hi jaehyun what makes you visit me at this hou-" I was speaking as he entered inside my flat walking past me.

He sat down on the sofa. He looked a little bit angry.

"Hey what happened?" I asked as I went to sit next to him.

"Nothing" he said while slightly pouting. He looks cute hehe.

"Then why are you here at my house? Go to your dorm" I said but he ignored me and turned the TV on.

"Jaehyun? Jaeeee, jaehyunnn, hyuniee, hyunaa, Yoon oh-" I started singing until he suddenly looked at me.

"How do you know my real name?" He said while looking at me.

"Well, I won't tell you until you tell me what Happened to you." I smirked. Smart y/n, smart.

"Ughh nevermind I'm not curious" he said shifting his focus back to the TV. Ugh he's so stubborn.

"Then get out of my house." I said while pushing him off the sofa but he remained sitting in his seat unbothered while I tried my best to push him. I fell on the sofa while attempting to push him. He laughed a little. Well.

I started tickling him and he threw his body back while laughing "ahahahaha stoppppsksjjjsjs hahahaha ok ok I'll tell you plzzz stop" I finally stopped. I won.

"So I kinda fought with taeyong hyung." He said while looking down nervously and fidgeting with his fingers at the same time.

"Why did you fight?" I asked in a calming tone kind of guessing the reason in my mind already.

"You know how today we were discussing our next stage performance . After coming back to dorm I suggested some of my ideas but taeyong hyung just said that those ideas were stupid and started discussing his own ideas. I felt hurt by what he said so when everyone agreed on his idea I disagreed. And he suddenly started attacking me by saying how I don't listen to them these days and mostly keep using my phone. So I also kinda...shouted that he's the most popular doesn't mean that we'll listen to him all the time. And I just barged out of our dorm and came here. So yeah hehe" he said and fake laughed while I saw that he was sad.

Oh this boy..... he doesn't look like one but he is a total kid.

I smiled while rubbing his head and saying "Listen, he doesn't want your bad you know. And he's older than you so you should listen to him. Obviously it was kinda wrong for him to call your idea stupid but I'm sure he didn't mean it in an offending way. And what you said might've also hurted him. It's sm's fault for playing favoritism Everytime what can even taeyong do. And being the leader he supports y'all a lot. I've seen it through these days. Just talk to him about how he had hurt you when he said that and apologize to him for being rude ok? I know him he's such a gentle soul he'll say sorry to you before you do." I said while looking into his eyes softly.

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