Pt. 21 Decision

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Your P.O.V. :

We reached the dorm at around dinner time, and pretended that we planned on coming together, well cause only Taeyong and Johnny know the truth.

I was too tired to do anything, so I just went directly in my room, and threw myself on the bed and fell asleep.....

*Ding Dong*

I was woken up by the sound of the doorbell, I checked the time, it was 11:30 p.m., who could it be this late?

I walked to the door and opened it, only to see him,

"I've made my decision." Jaehyun said standing , he looked a bit serious, but I didn't know what he was talking about....

"Are you drunk?" I asked while rubbing my eyes, as I was still tired and wanted to sleep.

"I want to talk, let me in please" he said and I opened the door wider so that he could come in.

We sat down on the couch to talk. He faced me and spoke "I've decided y/n......manager-nim"

I was a little confused, because he suddenly called me manager after calling me by my name all this time... It felt.... unfamiliar...

"So at midnight you woke me up to announce your decision??? Tell me alreadyyyy" I said whining as his seriousness gave me anxiety.

"I couldn't wait till the morning, so....I have decided that I'll......get over my feelings for you.." he said and looked directly into my eyes

"Go on" I said.

"I've already caused you a lot of pain, and you keep blaming yourself even though it's not your fault, that's why I need to get If you don't love me, then there's no point of forcing you, I can't be that selfish.......and It's not like i don't love you anymore......I still do, but it's time that I should respect you...."

He finished and I just kept looking at him.........he's a nice person...

"Well, that's.....that's great. Thank you Jaehyun, for understanding me......and sorry again for not loving you back even though you are an amazing person...." I said smiling, but I felt something hurt me, why though...?

"It's not your fault manager-nim,.... we just weren't meant to be......" He said and looked down at his fidgeting fingers.....

"It's ok, you deserve a girl who'll truly love you even more than you love her her..." I said

"Hmm.....I'll get going then, it's late, and I shouldn't stay with you for long,
So that I can get over you.....

He stood up and went out, looking back just once for wishing me goodnight.

I closed the door, and stood with my back against the door......

Even though I'm happy that finally he's moving on, I have a part of me which feels.........empty? Or maybe sad? I don't know...

What's wrong with me....? This is what I've been begging him to do...then why don't I feel satisfied with this.....


It was a short chapter guys, my college is going to start soon so I'm a bit busy..but enjoy anyways....

And Fuck sm, at this point it's clear that they won't let winwin continue with 127, they are DISGUSTING..


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