Pt. 30 Jae Day

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Your P.O.V. :

"Hello, I'm y/n, and I'll be your manager from now on......again, I'm looking forward to work with you.."

I introduced myself again to nct 127, whom I'm going to manage again.

"We all are also excited to work with you, welcome back y/n manager-nim" Taeyong said smiling and they all started clapping.....i missed this..they literally feel like home to me now...

Yesterday me and Jaehyun came to the dorm together after meeting at the office, and I shifted my luggage in my flat at night....I was so tired that I didn't meet nct and decided to sleep.....

Today morning I went to the sm office and an official statement was released by sm entertainment regarding the Jaehyun and my hotel rumour.....

It stated that Jaehyun was traveling with the manager as well as other staff, but the staff weren't in the pics....

Yeah we lied, and now too we won't be disclosing our relationship to the public....we decided that we needed time for ourselves and this relationship, and as the right time will come, we'll announce it publicly.

We haven't even told the company about it. Only the boys know because Jaehyun told them.

"You both look so adorable together" Jungwoo said giggling. They all were happy about our relationship and i couldn't ask for more...

We had lunch together, fresh home made food by Doyoung and Johnny feat. A little bit of Jaehyun.

"Someday I'm gonna make a special meal just for you" Jaehyun said and everyone in the room started cheering....

I just nodded trying to hide my blushing cheeks, he was so cheesy and loving since the last two days that I get butterflies in my stomach every 5 minutes.....

After lunch everyone went to their rooms and only Jaehyun and me were left in the room. Today there was luckily no schedule. So we had time for ourselves...

He softly hugged me and kissed my cheek, as we were standing in the middle of the living room...

"Let's go on a date today" Jaehyun whispered softly into my ear before kissing my cheek again....he makes me so soft....

"Be ready at 7 pm, we'll be having a lot of fun today..." He said and hugged me tighter, snuggling his face into my neck...for some reason I feel chills down my spine whenever he touches me...

"Okay Jae, now leave me, I want to get some rest before we leave." I said trying to pull away but his hug only got tighter.

"Please, let's just stay like this for 2 minutes" he mumbled into my neck and I started stroking his hair, and my another arm around his shoulders.

"Okayyyyy someone needs to get a room" suddenly mark appeared out of nowhere and yelled and Jaehyun and I broke the hug immediately. Mark leeee

"I- I'm going into the room" Jaehyun said and I too said "....and I-I'll get going haha byee.."  and ran out of the dorm...

I was so embarasseddd aaaaaaaa....
Evening :

"Its so delicious I can't stop eating, can we order another plate please?" I said and took another bite into my mouth...

Jaehyun smiled and said "Eat well, I'll order the whole menu if you want."

We both were at an Indian restaurant, which was our date. Jaehyun said they serve amazing food here and he was not wrong....

We finished our food and went out for a walk....

"So, There's this river which I go often and it looks beautiful at night, wanna go?" He asked and I immediately agreed.

We reached the river and it was so reflected the moonlight perfectly and the vibe there was really peaceful.

We we're walking on the edge when Jaehyun's hand slid into mine, holding it tightly....I just looked at him and he looked a little shy, looking at the ground, why's he so adorableeee.....

I broke the silence and asked "Did you break down cause of me when you were at the concert?" And he stopped on his tracks....

He nodded and then faced me, and said "I was sad that we are over, and I'll never be able to get you back....I called you but you didn't pickup which made me drown in worry....and all the stress came out in the form of tears when I was singing "jet lag". That song reminds me of you....."

I cupped his cheek with one of my hands and said "The song now holds true to us Jae, we got each other, and we'll be together...always.. I'll never ever leave you...." I said and hugged him....

His hug is home for me, never have I ever felt this much comfort in a relationship....

We walked to home after that and as I went to open my flat door, Jaehyun hugged me from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder.

He asked "Can I come in for sometime?"

"Sure jae baby" I said and opened my door, he was still hugging me from behind and we walked in like that.

I literally started chucking because his chin felt ticklish and it was funny walking that way...

We went to the sofa and he was still holding me...he sat down with me sitting on his lap...

"You're a small baby Jaehyun" I said as I stroked the back of his hand which was around my waist....

"I'm your baby, and you're my baby" he said and kissed my neck....

"I love you y/n, you're my everything..." He said and kissed my neck again...this time it was a long kiss....

"I love you too Jaehyun, and I want to be with you forever and give you my everything...." I said, slightly getting turned on by his face in my neck....

"I want to give you my everything as well" he said in a deep whisper voice, into my ear......his hot breather directly going inside and making me restless yet calm...

I removed his arms from my waist and stood up and faced him...

"What happened babe?" He asked being a little bit worried and confused...

"You want to give me everything right, then give me this night, Jung Jaehyun...." I said....


Oh yeah.... y'all gonna get what you wanted...
This story is ending guys... I'll miss writing...
Thanks for 1k reads I'm soooooooooooo happy ........ Love y'all...

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