Pt.10 So yeah...I like you...

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A/N : Those dimples uwuuuu he's so cuteeee he's such a bread

Your P.O.V.
After we came back I changed into my night suit and went to the bed. But I couldn't sleep cause I kept thinking about Jaehyun. He's making me suspicious. He kept staring at me when we we're walking on the road tonight. And he literally was insisting so hard to pay the bill when we went to the restaurant.

Oh no, Did I give him the wrong idea by letting him pay? I hope not because it was just because he was stubborn. And I even took that "you liked my screams" thing as a joke and played along. But is he doing all this because......... he likes me?

I hope not cause it'll only hurt him....

Ooofff no maybe I'm just over thinking.....I should stop thinking about all this and sleep now.

Next Day :
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I pick it up from the table and look at the time, it was 6am, who the hell would call me at this time.

I look at the missed calls and saw that NCT's head manager Mr. Kim who's my boss, called. I called back immediately and he picked up pretty quickly.

"Hello Kim manager nim" I said.

"Hello Manager y/n-nim. I called to inform you that the photoshoot which didn't happen the last time due to some unfortunate happenings has been rescheduled for today 11 am. Inform the group about it and come at the same place as last time by 10:30am." He spoke

"But isn't a vacation going on currently for nct 127? And that photographer was really rude " I asked becoming tensed.

"Yes the vacation is still going on, and she said she will apologize to you, and we finally got this appointment and the photoshoot is a really important one. So just for today they'll have to come." He said

"Ok Manager-nim". I said and hung up. Oh god I remember how ugly our fight turned out with that photographer, I just hope this time everything goes well. Now I'll have to get ready quickly.

I took my phone and dialed taeyong's no. So that I could inform him about the schedule.

He picked up and I told him about it. Although he sounded a bit frustrated because obviously it's their vacation time but he still managed to keep his calm.

Then I stood up started getting ready.

During the car ride :

I was sitting next to the driver. They all looked kinda pissed about going to that photographer again and they are literally debating on why we shouldn't go there.

I tried to explain all of them to be calm no matter what that photographer does. And I'll take care of the rest.

We reached at the location just on time. We walked up to the photoshoot room, the same room where last time that bitch- I mean photographer threw water and me.

I was getting nervous from inside. Jaehyun noticed me and suddenly held my hand and said "No need to be nervous. This time we won't let her do anything to you" and all of them agreed to what he said. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

As we were going inside I took a deep breath and confidently knocked the door.

Her assistant opened the door as he greeted all of us and we entered inside. Manager Kim was there too. That kinda relieved me.

The photographer came to us slowly and then said "Sorry about what happened previously. It was my unprofessionalism that led to the incident." And she bowed 90°. Damn....she really got her sh*t together....

I bowed back and said "it's ok" cause, you know, gotta stay humble. At least she accepted her mistake.

Then the photoshoot began. I was sitting with Mr. Kim when he got a call and he left due to some urgent work.

I was just sitting there being bored and looking at the boys while enjoying their beautiful visuals.

But I noticed that during the whole photoshoot Jaehyun kept taking glances at me. No one else did that More than once or twice but Jaehyun.

Finally the shoot ended after 3 hours. They all proceeded towards the changing room when I saw that the lighting stand was shaking and it could fall anytime and that too on the photographer.

It was about to fall when I got up and ran towards it and tried to hold it but lost my control fell down and it fell on my arm while the photographer backed away.

Everyone gasped and came running towards me while I tried to remove my arm from below the stand. I got a deep cut on my lower arm and blood was dripping constantly.

The photographer said "Oh My good y/n-ssi you should go to the hospital."

Suddenly Jaehyun sat down in front of me and took my arm in his hand and started examining it "First the blood has to be blocked from flowing."

Johnny brought a clean towel and pressed it over my wound so that the blood would stop. "We should hurry up and take her to the hospital." He said and they all said agreed.

"No it's okay, Y'all go in the car and the driver will drop you to the dorm. And I'm heading to the hospital ok?" I told the boys but taeyong said "You can't go alone in this condition, and moreover how will you go without a vehicle?"

"I'll go with her" Jaehyun said.

"And don't worry about the vehicle. My assistant will take you to the doctor with my personal car. After all you were saved me. Assistant kang, take then to the hospital." The photographer said. Ohk maybe she has evolved into something nice.

We all headed down hurriedly and nct went to the dorm while Jaehyun and me were taken to the hospital by Mr. Kang.

At the hospital:

The doctor was stitching it and Jaehyun held my hand throughout. He looked more terrified than me while my hand was getting stitched

Then gave me some pain killers. Yes, the cut was THAT deep. My hand literally hurted so bad I wanted to cut it and throw away lmao.

We were done and the doctor was about to tell me something when he got a phone call. He excused himself and went out of the room.

Jaehyun took my arm softly and said "What was the need to save that awful photographer? Look at your hand y/n... manager-nim... What if you would have gotten more hurt? Now don't work for sometime. Just call me whenever you need to do anything and I'll come to your flat and help you." He looked a little angry and really worried...

Hints is what I'm constantly getting from so many days, Maybe it is what I think....

"Jaehyun, you like me right?" I gulped and asked him straight up.

He looked up from my hand. His eyes were full of surprise for a moment, then next moment it changed up to confidence.

Silence filled up the room, only to be ended by his voice when he stared into my eyes and said
"Yes, I like you , y/n manager-nim".


Our boy Jaehyun finally confessed his love yayyyy.....
But will y/n accept him?
Or his love would be rejected?
We'll see that in the next chapter.
Don't forget to vote guys byeeeee . ......

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