Chapter Six

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By that Friday after school, Tweek was going crazy from the work and he needed a tiny break. He decided to walk just a bit to the gas station. He didn't tell his parents. He assumed that Craig and Kenny and the lot were a bad influence. He took a back alley and then everything went black.

Tweek woke up on the pebbled ground outside and he noticed that the sun was going down and he had no idea where he was right now. What the fuck happened? He thought about where he was or what had happened as he tried to stand and only fell again because his lower body hurt so much. He felt that his whole body was bruised and bleeding all over. His clothing was so ripped all over and his belt from before was missing. He tried again and again to stand so he could walk home or try to find wherever home was from here, only to fail.

Then, it hit him.

He'd been walking home when he had been attacked and hurt. Those men said they wanted to show him what his family gets for something about the coffee shop. Something about drugs? Tweek apparently missed part of it, but he remembered way too much already than he ever wanted. He ripped at his hair and remembered the rest of what had taken place. He was so stupid. The men kept telling him he should be sorry and that he was nothing and deserved to die.

Tweek forced himself to figure out that he was close to Kenny's house. He felt around for his phone and called the first person he thought of.

"Kenny? Can you- can you h-help me?" He could barely even speak just then and his voice cracked. He felt the sobs coming now as he knew what had happened. "Can you- p-pick me u-up, please? I-I can't..move.."

Craig had been worried as hell the whole entire fucking week. As well as Kenny, too. Tweek had just kind of up and disappeared for the whole week of school. No one knew where the fuck he was! Craig would nearly get pissed every time he asked someone and they didn't know. Not to mention, Tweek hadn't been answering any of his messages or calls.

"Damn it!" Craig yelled, throwing his phone at his bedroom wall. It nearly shattered it, but he could care less at this point. Where was Tweek? Ugh. He thought he should just leave and go get him at his place. He was sure it had to do with his parents. Screw it, he was going to Tweek's right fucking now!

Kenny was enjoying his weekend already. He had found another cutie to mess around with at this bar he sneaked into the other night. It was a good time.

Yet, he couldn't get a certain blonde out of his mind. Tweek. He had been gone the whole week at school and it was driving Craig crazy for sure. Kenny didn't know much about the situation but he was worried as hell, too. The blonde sighed as he nearly drowned himself in his bed sheets, but in an instant, his eyes shifted to look at his phone which was going off and he shot up to answer it as quickly as possible.

"Hey, Tweek, what's-" he started to ask, but dread instantly filled Kenny's voice as he heard his friend speak to him with a hint of sadness and fear in his voice. "Tell me where you are and I'm there."

Kenny took off out of his house, running because fuck traffic at this point. His friend was in a panic and was probably hurt by someone or something. Nothing else mattered.

He ran through his small town, only glancing up a signs until he knew he was close to the place where Tweek was and once he finally found him, he stopped dead in his tracks, out of breath and huffing. He stared at the blonde who was a complete mess. He had bruises all over his delicate skin and blood. Oh god.

"Tweek," Kenny spoke softly as he walked over to the blonde to hug him tightly to his warm chest. His heart was pounding heavily from running all the way to him. "I'm here. I'm here. You're okay. Let's get you home, okay? Or to my place to clean you up? Whichever you're more comfortable with, okay?"

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