Chapter Eighteen

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After a day or two, Kenny finished taking care of his sister and thankfully his parents didn't come home while Tweek was there. Their break was much too quickly over with and school would start back up again soon. Somewhere along the line, Clyde talked Kenny into auditioning for football. Since Kenny did it for a few years before, he figured he would again. Craig wasn't at school for a few days. That or he was in detention because he didn't seem to be in the best mindset currently. Tweek noticed Craig missing and decided to text him to make sure he was alright while Kenny was missing class to go audition for football. He'd seemed kind of excited so Tweek had been excited for him.

Text to Craig:
Hey, Craig. Are you okay? Are you.. sick still? We miss you. Hope you're doing alright and if you're sick we'll come nurse you back to health, just ring us.

'We'. Craig hated that. 'We', meaning him and Kenny together with each other's tongues down their throats. Craig slammed his phone down, not bothering to reply, but maybe one text wouldn't hurt since it was Tweek.

Text to Tweek ☕️:
Still sick. I'm fine. Thx.

Text to Craig:
If you want,  I can come over and fail to make you chicken noodle soup like way back when? Also, drink water. Do you have the flu, or what? Maybe I'll put on a face mask and come see you.

Text to Tweek ☕️:
Eh...I'll get better soon. You don't have to visit.

Craig didn't want to see Tweek right now. It would tear him up way too much if he did especially if he saw Kenny with him.

"Hello, love. Guess what? Clyde is hosting a party at his place this weekend. You want to be my lovely date?" Kenny asked with a smile as he moved to wrap his arms around his body slowly, his head moved to go on Tweek's shoulder.

"H-hi. Uh, sure? How were the tryouts?" Tweek asked genuinely wanting to know  and smiled  as he suddenly felt Kenny on his side. "Class was boring without you and Craig. You guys are so mean, leaving me all alone with Garrison. He told us all about his great weekend with Mr. Hat."

"They were intense, but good, I had loads of fun with Clyde." Kenny spoke, a bit sweaty from tryouts.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to leave you alone with that torture," Kenny teased as he pouted playfully and nuzzled against Tweek's neck.

"I'll forgive you this once, I suppose. I'm glad you guys had fun," he said. Boy did Kenny look hot as fuck right now. The two of them still hadn't gotten the chance to do what they'd wanted to do many times now, but couldn't and it was driving Tweek kind of crazy. He blushed a bit at that thought and bit his lip. Kenny chuckled a little, almost like he was reading Tweek's mind.

"Um, also, I-i was wondering if you wanted to go on date tomorrow since we are off school for a day. Maybe go to a club, or the arcade, or something? We could also go to your place or whatever you wanted to do," Kenny suggested with a slight blush.

"Ack! N-not my place! Don't want to deal with my parents..." Tweek hated even having to think of them anymore. He hated them. Ugh, he couldn't wait to get the fuck out of his parents' house and get his own job. He wanted to not be there. He didn't want to be at the shop anymore. Too many shitty memories with his father and bruises no one had ever seemed to notice.

Oh, shit. He just realized maybe he should wait with doing naked things with Kenny until the bruises on his body that he'd kept covered as well as possible yet again like every other time had goneaway. He hadn't had to deal with his father hitting him for so many years before he'd made friends and had become a rebel who skipped work to hang out with Kenny and Craig. He used to have lots of bad bruises as a kid that no one knew about until he'd given into not having friends and working constantly at the stupid shop. The most recent time was this weekend when he got home from camping and staying with Kenny. Ugh. "I-ack- W-Wherever you want is good..."

He'd definitely put together by now that Tweek hated his parents and his house. He obviously didn't know any details besides what Tweek had said at their hangout at Craig's place way back when. He knew by now that Tweek was Forbes to work way too much, probably. He knew he abhorred his father. That's all he knew, but he's also learned how to help Tweek feel better . Tweek likes being as distracted from reality when it got bad, like when those douchebags hurt Tweek that day and the other boy had wanted and enjoyed his playful side. He was slowly but surely learning how to be the best boyfriend he could be for Tweek.

"Okay," Kenny hummed, having already had it planned out, but he just wanted to make sure that Tweek was okay with going out tomorrow and that he didn't want to do something different. He smirked at the thought of the things he had planned for them. He was just excited to hang out with his new boyfriend.

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