Chapter Nineteen

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The next day, Tweek had to deal with his dad and got an entirely new, shiny set of bruises on his wrists and torso. He had a black eye, too, and he didn't know how to cover that up. It wasn't like if he wore makeup, Kenny wouldn't notice. He really hated living here. His body was hideous, all bruised and curvy. He cried for a bit up in his room before making himself go down to wait for Kenny to come finally arrive for Tweek could get the fuck out of here for the day. Thankfully, he saw Kenny arriving. He really hoped Kenny wouldn't notice the bruises, but he knew they were pretty obvious. Fuck.

"Morning, Ken," he greeted before cringing in realizing what he'd just called Kenny. He blushed a bit and didn't know what Kenny would think, but it'd just kind of happened, okay? "You can pretend you didn't hear that if you want..."

"Tweek, what the hell happened? Who did this to you?" Kenny asked, looking over Tweek's body. Kenny was instantly concerned once he saw Tweek's bruises. He gave him sad eyes and then looked angry.

"Ack-I-I- can we talk about in a bit? P-please?" he managed to stutter. He really didn't want to break down right now. He really did want to have a good day with Kenny. Fuck his parents. "I just can't wait to be eighteen and get the fuck out of here. Wh-where are we going?"

"Ah- Yeah, okay, that's fine, angel," Kenny said and tried to smile for his boyfriend. He still couldn't get over the fact that Tweek was his boyfriend. He wrapped an arm around his waist and lead him to his car. He opened Tweek's door for him and leaned over to kiss his cheek before walking to his own side of the car.

"Just around town. How does the arcade sound?" Kenny asked with a smile, hoping that would cheer Tweek up a bit. He reaches over to hold one of Tweek's hands with his not driving hands.

"Sounds good. Anything sounds good as long as I'm with you," Tweek told him honestly and smiled up at his boyfriend. Boy, did he love being able to call Kenny his. He leaned up to press a kiss to his lips before leaning into him clinging to him. He was so glad to not be at home. "Thanks for stealing me away today. I missed you last night."

"I missed you, too. How much did you miss me, though?" Kenny smirked, starting his car with his key.

"A lot," he replied honestly as he let out a little chuckle at Kenny and leaning in to press a kiss to his lips now that they were in the car and not on the streets of his house. He felt more free with Kenny. "Mind out of the gutter, Kenny," he teased before pulling at his long sleeves and looking away. He really didn't mean to bring today down. It's not like he'd planned to have his dad give him a black eye on him and Kenny's first official date. Ugh.

"S-sorry..." he mumbled, not sure what he was apologizing for besides just existing.

"For what?" Kenny asked him with a curious look.

"I don't know..." Tweek mumbled stupidly and moved a hand to tug his hair a bit. Kenny moved his hand to gently urge Tweek to not pull his hair.

"It's okay," he assured him with a soft kiss to his lips and he started driving. They eventually made it to the city, too, the two walking around the small place. It wasn't too busy today and that made Kenny happier since Tweek wouldn't be too comfortable around large crowds.

"I haven't been here since probably kindergarten," Tweek said and was glad there seemed not to be too many people. It made him feel more open to be with Kenny. He felt more self conscious right now and didn't want a lot of people around adding more pressure.

"Hey, t-this is our first official date, huh?" He tried to distract his brain from thinking of other things and tried to smile at Kenny.

"Oh, yeah," Kenny blushed lightly, glancing over at Tweek with a soft smile. It was their first date and Kenny wanted it to go smoothly. He had a good feeling about today.

"Are we going to stay here the whole day or did you have other plans?" Tweek asked, walking to Kenny and pressing a sweet kiss to his lips.

"I had other plans for later on tonight, but we still have time to eat if you want to," Kenny suggested, rubbing the back of his head. He stopped real quick, though, at the claw machine and put in some money. "Which stuffed animal is your favorite in there, Tweek?"

"Ack-too much pressure! I-I don't know. You pick one?" He hated that he always seemed to resort more into that insecure kid he used to be. Not that he'd changed so much, but being around Kenny and Craig has made him feel way less like that kid. When his father punished him, he always resorted back to that kid he hated. Then, he had to slowly be brought out of his shell again.

"Mm, okay, then, maybe that cute bunny. It kind of looks like you," Kenny laughed before playing the game and going into intense focus and competitiveness. He moved the claw around and finally pressed the button, the claw grabbed the bunny and bam! Kenny won the bunny. He smiled and took out the fluffy bunny. Then, Kenny handed it to Tweek. "You want it? It's all yours."

"Holy shit. No one ever wins these things, Kenny! Did you cheat somehow?" He joked and couldn't not be distracted by Kenny's adorable happy grin. He was such an honest to god puppy. Ugh, that in itself somehow made his day. He loved this boy so much. Thank god for Kenny in his life. Kenny McCormick was his boyfriend, damnit. He was even almost able to get another job and leave his parents.

"Thanks, Kenny. I- thanks," he said with a smile as he leaned to hug Kenny tightly and cling to him for a bit. Kenny smiled brightly and leaned down to give Tweek a passionate kiss. Then, he pulled away.

"You hungry?" Kenny asked softly. Tweek grinned a bit more genuinely this time and kissed Kenny again before nodding.

"I could eat," he agreed as he reached down to hold Kenny's hand. Kenny blushed as he felt Tweek's hand in his own.

The two of them then left to go eat and relaxed for a bit, just the two of them. Tweek mostly was still able to stop thinking about the start of his morning before Kenny had came and distracted him in all the best ways. He suddenly felt like getting the thing off his chest. Earlier, he thought he'd break down, but he didn't think he would just now.

"It was my dad, Kenny. He's... it's been happening since I was in kindergarten. It's the only way to convince a kid who only wanted to have friends and hang out and be a kid to stay in the backroom of a coffee shop 24/7. I eventually just gave into it and worked there for so long without an issue besides not being able to be a kid or whatever. Then, Craig brought you both back into my life and then... well, I guess you know the rest..." he mumbled and looked down a bit, pulling down his sleeves again. Kenny gave Tweek the saddest look he could ever give. He was so angry at Tweek's dad right then. That fucking asshole. How dare he hurt Tweek? He was the nicest person Kenny knew!

"Tweek, I'm so sorry. Did you ever report him? I mean, they look really bad, Tweek, and he shouldn't be abusing you. That's fucking shit. That damn bastard," he said angrily, glancing away.

"No, I didn't. Ack-of course I didn't. I was a kid and h-he told me I deserved it and I-I believed him," he stuttered. Kenny seemed so suddenly angry and protective. It was nice. "Sorry..."

"It's okay. It's just... I mean, it's definitely not. That's really bad, Tweek. Your dad could go to jail for that, you know? Maybe you should say something. Otherwise, you might get hurt really bad one day..." Kenny worried to him.

"No, I think maybe he'll leave me alone when I somehow get out of there and get a job and get enough money to get the fuck out," he rambled a bit and chugged the coffee he'd ordered at the restaurant Kenny had suggested. "S-sorry I just wanted to get that off my chest since you'd asked earlier... and I've never told anyone about any of this... Anyways, what is it that you're eating? Is i-it good?"

And with that, the two of them just talked and ate some filling food for a bit.

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