chapter 1

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Smoke filled the air. Fire rained down from the sky as everything began to blaze. Despite the temperature of the climate, it was no match against the incoming ferocious meteor storm.

Running through the storm is a feline 3x larger than a male modern lion. She has peach like fur with a white muzzle. Her eyes are a blue green color that almost look like ice. Her muscular feminine build flexed as she pushed through the catastrophic chaos around her. In her mouth being carried is her only surviving cub out three along with her mate.

A tear sheaded as the feline thought about her mate and lost cubs. Seeing a cave in the distance, she padded there faster than she thought she could. Once inside the cave began to crumble down.

With one last resort, the female lioness placed her cub beneath her before creating a barrier around him. Afterwards, she used her remaining strength to protect her son one last time before the rocks crumbled down on her. Little did she know, that her son will be sleep for the next 20,000 years.

20,000 years later on the day of simba birth...

Behold the next king of pride rock, finished the baboon while sarabi and mufasa watched from behind.

Just as rafiki was about to return the cub. A bright blue light shined in the near by mountain while gaining everything attention.

What is that? 

I have not a clue sarabi, but I feel we will find out soon.

Indeed so, your highness. I will send word towards my kinsman that live in the killamanjaro mountain.

Very well, stated mufasa as he stared at the unfamiliar light from the mountains.

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