chapter 4

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Walking away from Pride Rock, Atrox had a lot of things on his mind at the moment. After a nice decent thought about what Mufasa talked to him about, he really had to take a stroll.

Mufasa along with Sarabi knew all along what I did at Rafiki's tree. The Zebra, the two Albino lionesses along with Shenzi and her two comrades. Even the neighboring animals around the area are suspicious of me now. Most importantly, I have to keep my promise to protecting Sarabi should something happen to Mufasa. Now the question is how did he take notice? And why haven't I been there for Simba? Questioned Atrox while watching the lionesses of Pride Rock catch their prey. Atrox observed the tactical plan the Pride used to capture the prey and noticed quickly the flaws in the hunting party patterns.

"A bit more speed timing with precision, they'll be unstoppable" finished Atrox as he put his head down on his paws.

"Whoever you are, those bushes won't help you hide from me. I smelled you exactly 30yrds away the moment I left the Pride Rock in the last 20minutes" he said while sitting up.

The bush behind him shook before the sound of claws unsheathing. From the scent of hostility and arousal. Only one person came to mind as Atrox recognized the scent from back when he was a cub on milk.


Isn't this a surprise, one  of the heirs to Pride Rock sitting alone? This must be my lucky day' she said while stalking around Atrox.

Atrox couldn't take his eyes off of Zira's form before quickly cutting his sights elsewhere. Sadly it didn't go unnoticed by the lioness.

It's none of your business, if it makes you feel better Its already been decided.

Oh, whatever do you mean by that? She asked curiously while rubbing herself against the youth causing him to be nervous.

Just what do this crazy lioness think she's trying to play? Questioned Atrox curiously. He couldn't help but think something isn't right.

"This doesn't concern you or Scar, so beat it".

Zira looked at him for a moment before showing her teeth while rubbing her head under the cub's large head and let out a loud purr.

Now he's really on alert and from the stories he heard of Zira. She's very cruel and a very experienced hunter like few there has ever been in the Pride Land's. Her Pride would follow her without question and that says a lot about her leadership. Now that he think about it, Zira is one of the lioness Mufasa told him not to come in contact with unless another adult was with him.

After weighing his decision, he came to a quick conclusion that no matter how big and strong he is. Zira will run circles around him before killing him due to her experience.

Sigh' alright, I'll tell you. I have six months to prepare before leaving the Pride Lands' happy? He said before feeling Zira's nail's  trail along his jaws.

And? Why would you be leaving the Pride Lands? It wouldn't have anything to do with a certain zebra at Rafiki tree would it? Or is it dealing with the hyena outcasts? She asked at which Atrox went stiff.

So the rumors were true. You're the lion that's been in a mating frenzy, aren't you? She asked again with a knowing grin staring at the youth who turned his head away.

How did you know about this? Only Rafiki would've known' explained Atrox while keeping Mufasa and Sarabi name out of it.

Hmmm' let's see here, oh that's right. I've been keeping a close eye on you, Mufasa's brat and Nala. However, my sights were more so on you because of your immediate growth spurt. I quickly deemed you threat to Scar and was about to act. That was until Scar decided I wasn't good enough and picked another Queen to carry his offspring. From there, I cancelled my operation and moved away from Scar along with half my Pride with me.

So I came up with another solution and that's to find a worthy mate. I was originally going to raise Naka and have him to eliminate his father and become the new king of our Pride. But then we came up with having Naka team up with you so to speak. And that make our Pride stronger. After discussing with my Pride, we all came to an agreement.  So, the observation began once more' she stated while checking out her nails.

So you're saying that you guys grown to have an obsession with me?

In a way, yes. We observed you from the time you changed your preferred meals. The way you think to certain extent. How you strategize against your prey by over powering them with brute strength. I find that impressive. Eating fruits and more importantly how you're able to walk on two limbs.

After several weeks I began to notice how you eyeball the zebra's. Not in a sport way though. One day I was watching you, I sent both albino twins to keep an eye on you while I trailed them due to Scar wanting to be nosey.

"When we got to Rafiki tree, I heard everything. From the explanation of your extinct species all the way down to your advance evolution. Then to the part about you and the zebra. At first I was appalled until I saw your enormous friend put your acquaintance in her place. The way you had her moaning and trembling beneath you was just astounding. I didn't think it was possible, but proof was there. After 2hrs the albino twins joined joined in by licking those jewels as you continued to dominate your prey. From the way you had all three females, you did a fine job at breeding.
A day later, I followed your trail hoping to experience what the others have. But imagine my surprise when I see you dominate Shenzi and her two henchmen. You didn't just dominate one but three hyena's. It's as if every female no matter what species, kneel before you", she finished while noticing Atrox zebra sized sword erect.

I'll tell you what, you give a sample of what you gave the others and in return you have my support along with my Pride. Do we have a deal? She asked while licking her chops.

Sigh' deal, but first we....."purrrrr".

"Ahh yes, music to my ears. I hope you're ready, because I won't be so gentle", Zira stated while pumping the youth enormous zebra sized rod.

Unaware to Zira and Atrox, they were being watched by one of the lioness sent by Sarabi.

"I must tell the Pride immedietly" she thought to herself while watching the two impressively mate.

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