chapter 5

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After encountering Zira, Atrox began to stay near Pride Rock for awhile before noticing the change in attitude from the lioness's. When he tried to hang with Simba or Nala, either Sarabi would send someone to watch them or they would separate them by saying Simba must learn his duties as future king. This happened multiple times since then. Atrox wasn't stupid by a long shot. He knows when he's not welcomed anywhere. After a talk with Mufasa and Rafiki. It was decided that he would finish his remaining time at Rafiki tree before leaving the Pride Lands.

His first week at Rafiki tree, he learned the arts of self-defense through watching a video from a strange device Rafiki calls a Cell Phone. It was difficult at first but after three days, Atrox was performing like he been doing it forever. He also learned several more skills like ninjitsu, color disruption, camouflage and stepping with out a sound. Rafiki made sure to drill it in Atrox like a human Drill Sergeant.

A month later, he learns how to read and set strategic tactics on any foe. Of course he tested it against hippos and water bison for fun. Except he ate the bison along with testing out his newly acquired spices thanks to Rafiki and Cora teaching him. While Rafiki was teaching Atrox, Cora would train herself and sometimes visit Zira's Pride without detection to help train them in secret.

Speaking of Zira. At first she couldn't stand Cora, but after a discussion with her Pride, she agreed to train with the zebra. Especially after she found out how skillful she was. After several rounds with Zira and Cora nearly beating each other to the ground, they reach a point where they became neutral and consider themselves as family to one another. As the season went on, eventually Shenzi and her two comrades were allowed to join them before setting course for Rafikis' tree.

After 5 months, Atrox have mastered almost everything he learned from Rafiki and by sneaking under the human nose observing them. His size can easily be compared to Mufasa's. He's larger than Mufasa by three inches. But Atrox head size on the other hand is 4 inches wider than Mufasa's and he's only 1yrs old. During his early time training, Nuka would observe before joining Rafikis' Boot camp much to Zira's delight. Like Atrox, Nuka mastered the combat part of the training with ease. But had difficulty concentrating on eating fruits. Overall, Zira's Pride along with Cora and Shenzi's group became a force to be reckoned with. All that's left is to wait for whenever Atrox leaves.

At the current moment, Atrox is hunting a full grown water Bison alone. He knows that  due to his size, the herd would've seen him a mile away. However, with the training he undertook and the skills he perfected, he'll be alright. All he's waiting on is the right timing.

****On the other side of the hunting ground****

"Simba pay close attention because today you and Nala will learn about hunting strategies". I'm sure Mufasa has already taught you how to do it, buy it doesn't hurt to observe us in action", stated Sarabi.

Sigh' I'm listening" stated Simba uninterested while Nala is excited.

Come on Simba, you'll be king one day so cheer up!

She's right you know. Cheer up!

"I know I should be happy, but would it hurt if Atrox was here" he mumbled.

"Look Simba, I know that you miss Atrox, but either way, you have to due your duty as king while learning your place in the circle of life" finished Sarafina.

Seeing Simba silent, Sarabi and the rest of the lioness's prepared to go hunting before picking out their prey.  They chose the big one.

However, what they saw next made them freeze in surprise while some of them arousal.

The same water Buffalo they pick took off running before they saw a large cat not far from its size appeared from the tall grass. It closed the distance with his prey before tackling it and bringing the water Buffalo down, followed by clamping his large large jaws on the throat of the Buffalo before ripping the head off with brute strength. It was so savage like, the herd was about to corner the giant lion. that was until the young male let out a roar so loud that it created shockwaves and could be felt all across the Pride Lands. Feeling the power from the lion, the remaining Buffalo's quickly fled away as the lion began severing several parts of meat from his meal.

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