Chapter 1

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Crown Prince Benjamin clipped his gold cuffs into place along his sleeves and took a few deep breaths. He was alone in his bedroom at the moment, which was a rarity these days as his father was preparing to confer the throne on him. There were five more months to go until his coronation, and he was feeling the weight of the world. He couldn't describe it quite yet, but there seemed to be this odd... pull in his chest.

Ben pulled at the lapels on his coat and studied the way the suit lined up with his frame. He glanced at the clock. His royal crown tests were due to begin in an hour. The bright Auradonian sun was shining through the four tall, slim windows that panned the far right side of his room, leading up to a small balcony with beautiful glass french doors. He was standing in front of a large mirror that rested on wheels so he could move it back into a closet when he was done. The room wasn't particularly large in area, but it was tall.

As Ben smoothed his hair down with a wet comb and many careful, even strokes, a gentle knock sounded and echoed inside the hollow door. "Ben?" His mother called from outside.

"You may enter," Ben called back as he examined his reflection and tried to slick his hair down more. A stream of water ran down his hairline past his ear and made him shiver.

Queen Belle opened the door and slipped inside. Ben caught a glimpse of her favorite yellow sundress as she closed the door behind her. The skirts were swishing around her calves as she twisted a handkerchief in her hands. Her hair was much shorter than it had been in her youth. She'd colored her hair a lighter shade back when he was still at Auradon Prep, but now it was fading back to its original brown shade, with soft streaks of grey here and there, making her look like a sophisticated businesswoman. She had soft laugh lines around her eyes and mouth and a small scar tucked away on her hairline from the war twenty-four years ago.

"Are you ready, sweetheart?" She asked, coming to stand beside him. She put her hands on his shoulders and smiled at their reflection in the mirror.

"Just about." Ben smiled. Belle smiled back at him, leaned up to kiss his cheek and walked over to sit on his bed. She ran a hand over the multi-colored threads of the bedspread and then turned to watch her son pull on his shiny black shoes and roll the collar of his white shirt down.

When he finished adding and fixing everything, he turned around to his mom for approval. Belle smiled at her son, dressed up in royal blues, and patted the bedside for him to sit down. He did so, and the weight of the mattress shifted suddenly in his direction.

"Nervous?" She whispered.

"A little," Ben admitted. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. He thought of Auradon and everyone who lived there and almost buckled under the weight of his thoughts. Would he be a good ruler? Would he even be able to do anything? Sure, Auradon wasn't perfect, but his parents had already done so much... Ben swallowed. "It's a big responsibility." He hesitated as Belle's eyes flickered down to the ground and back up at him. "You okay?" Ben asked her. Belle sniffled a little.

"Yes." She wiped her eyes. Ben bit his cheek and waited for her to compose herself. After a few minutes, she did.

"I'm so, so proud of you. It's been almost twenty-one years but it feels like I've blinked and you've sprouted. You used to be able to fit in my arms, and now you're bigger and taller than I'll ever be." Belle's body was wracked with sobs as she tearfully examined her only son and favorite twenty-one-year-old. He truly was the pride and joy of her life. She reached forward and took his hands as she spoke.

"I want you to know that I'll always love you and be here for you. You can talk to me about anything and I'll listen and give you the best advice I can. You'll always be my little Benny-bop." The two chuckled together, and then Ben gathered his mom up into a big hug. Belle rested her chin on his shoulder as she tried to dry her tears and prevent them from getting onto his jacket. Her makeup was running down her cheeks.

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