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Hello everyone!

Thank you for at least giving this book a chance. It isn't much, nor is it very good, but it's probably my favorite thing that I've written at the time that I'm publishing it. It's lead to more self-loathing and break downs then I'd like to admit. But every late night and meltdown was worth it because I finally finished it. 

Credit for the idea that sparked this mess of a masterpiece goes to @I'veBeenMade. I have my issues with JK Rowling but she brought us the beautiful world and characters that make up this story so I suppose I must credit her for that. 

Make sure to comment your feedback and vote on the chapters that deserve it and thank you so much for reading this. 

Your OneAndOnlyLesbien.

Update: There are quite a few trigger warnings in this one. It is very much your typical Drarry story. Look out for swearing, suicide, self-harm, violence, homophobia, and anything else that I've missed. I'll put more specific trigger warnings at the beginning of chapters that have them. I apologize for not having put them in sooner.

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