Chapter 5

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It's always better to take advice from seniors. So, I thought of telling my problems and express my confusion to my senior cum family friend Dinesh.

Me: Hi Dinesh, my mind is not under control.

Dinesh: What's bugging you? Academics?

Me: No

Dinesh: Personal?

Me: I am so confused. I like a guy.

Dinesh: Super dude! I didn't expect this from you. Who's that lucky guy?

Me: Hello, hello... It's just from my side.

Dinesh: At least you realized that you like him. Some people just hide their feelings out of fear. Did you tell him?

Me: I am so scared. How can I say? We are not even friends. But I think of him daily. I see his pic every day.

Dinesh: That's so sweet of you. Tender feelings. Treasure them. They will be very special. If possible, convey him as soon as possible. 

He was happy that I liked some person. He suggested me to propose him as quickly as possible. After getting the support from my family friend, I made up my mind to leave the college onlyafter proposing him.

February 24, 2018

I badly wanted to talk to him but not as Shweta Narayan. I thought of following Bollywood movie 'Bodyguard'. Let me create a fake Facebook account!  I was not so gutsy to do this. So, I went to Lavanya's room. We created a fake account on the name Sony M. Sony is my phone's brand and M is Mr Karthik Reddy's initial.

Sony: Hi

Karthik: Hi, do you know me? I don't remember you.

Sony: You know me, but I am hiding my identity. I have a crush on you.

No reply in the past five minutes.

Sony: Hey, please bother me, keep football aside for some time.

I just gave him a clue that I know something about him.

Karthik: Enough AB, don't fool me.

Lavanya was annoyed thinking that AB is a code for a bad word. :) I explained her that AB was his roommate in second year. We were having fun talking to him anonymously.

Sony: Hello why don't you believe that I am a girl.

Karthik: Then tell me your name without fail immediately. How do you know that I watch football?

Sony: I protect my privacy. If I tell, it will be a talk of the town. I know about you. Don't ask me how.

Karthik: Then get lost, keep your privacy with you. I don't even care if it becomes a talk of the country. By the way, I don't watch football.

Sony: Is it? You don't watch it?

Karthik: Yeah

Sony: Karthik, listen to me. I truly like you. We will talk tomorrow. Good night.

I got confused when he said that he doesn't watch football. I stalked enough and found out that Karthik lied to me that he dislikes football. There was no reply that night. I waited for 24hours. I felt bad for irritating him. I messaged him through fake account.

Sony: I am sorry to irritate you. I will reveal my identity soon. Please consider my messages.

Yet no response. Then I decided to stop this drama and deal with him as Shweta Narayan itself. All these days, I was alone in my room.

My roommate Nikitha  returned from a long vacation. She is an expert in dealing with these things. I told her what was happening within me from the past ten days. I told her that Iwant to know if he is a good person or not after knowing who his roommates were.

Nikitha knows my first love story which was one sided. She has seen me how I got disturbed when that failed. After that I got a bad opinion on love. Now I liked another guy. She's extremely happy and supported me. She enquired about Karthik through her close guy friend, Prakash. He gave a good opinion on Karthik. Karthik won't talk to girls much. Nikitha gave me a green signal and also warned me not to grow my feelings unless he too has the same towards me. She told me to start texting him. 

Me: What should I text him?

Nikitha: Ask him when the Economics is tomorrow?

Me: I am the class representative dude!! It would be super sarcastic if a CR asks her classmate about the class timings.

Nikitha: Oh no, try asking him if he enjoyed the trip to Ooty.

Me: That would be lame. It has been ten days since we came from the trip.

Nikitha: Oh God, I am running out of words!

After a lot of discussion, I got an idea. I just remembered that I gave my pen drive to Daniel to upload Ooty trip photos. I texted Karthik to collect it from Daniel which was with him for ten days. I used this as an opportunity to get close to Karthik. Next day, he told me sorry that he forgot to take it and assured that he would get it in next class.

Till now, none of my friends opposed me from him. I am not worried about my family. I know that they will accept my love. All of these have turned me brave enough to face Karthik.

Janu got committed in a relationship. She was in joy. She shared her happiness with me. She told me that her boyfriend's life got better after she entered his life. I liked her point. I too desire to make Karthik's life happy with my love. I want to be his lady luck. I couldn't wait till the semester ends. Also, my friends suggested me to confess as soon as possible. I want to see his facial expressions when I propose him. I had set up Festember, the cultural fest of our college as the auspicious time which is in the next three weeks.

Lavanya said, "Why  Festember!! I don't think you will wait for 20 days. Just do it in Shweta's way. Grab his hand after Economics class, take him to coffee and propose."

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