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~~ Aphmau ~~

"My, my, little Aphie.. What have you done now." A dark figure says, walking towards me. Everything is black, I honestly can't see a thing. It can't be Ein, he's dead, not to mention the voice sounds like a female voice. I see the small glimpse of lightning bugs? No, they're too big for that. A hand gently cups my cheek my cheek, as I look up to see a sympathetic yet angry look in someones eyes. "My dearest, just you wait, I'll be there soon to save you..."        


My eyes slowly open and adjust to the light peering through the window. I flip over to be unusually greeted with an empty bed side. 'Where's Aaron?' I thought, as I sit up. I remove the blanket and get ready for the day. I slide on a white floral romper and put my hair in pigtails. I walk down the stairs to see my 1 year old daughter and Aaron playing together, I smile and plant a kiss on the back of  Aaron's head. "Thank Irene you are awake.. I was waiting for you to get up so I can head to work." He says, as I pick up Alina. He gives me a short but sweet kiss and leaves for work. "Why don't we go to auntie Katelyn's today?" I smile when Alina puts her tiny hands on my face. "Alright, let's go!" We walk over to Katelyn's and I drop her off. "Sorry for leaving her here Katelyn but I have to do something in town.." I say, pulling away from the hug. "Oh, that's fine Aph! We enjoy Alina over anyway!" She gestures to Kawaii~Chan and Travis all over her. I giggle, "Cya Katelyn." She smiles and closes the door. I get in my car and head to town. 


~Aaron POV~

As I stress and type out emails, I get a call from Zane. I sigh and pick it up.



"Ow! She's probably out in town or at Katelyn's.."

"She's not picking up her phone!! Aaron! What if something happened to her?! I-"

"ZANE! My wife is fine,she can do stuff herself. Maybe her phone is dead, or she silenced it."

"Mmm... Fine. But if she doesn't pick up soon I'm going to go look for her."

I sigh, "Fine. Bye Zane."

I hang up and put my face in my hands. What if I did lose her..? What if Zane is right? I can't lose her, I return to work but can't get her off of my mind.


I get home really late from work, and walk into my house expecting a kiss and an adorable baby in my arms, but that doesn't happen.. "Aph.? Babe.. Where are you?!"  I yell, panicking, I run over to Katelyn's to see her and Alina asleep,but no Aph. I quickly knock on the door. "Hello? Aaron?" Katelyn answered, holding Alina. I take Alina, "Where is Aphmau?!" Her eyes widen, "She's not home? Maybe she's out in town." "No, Katelyn it's 9:00! She would be home now!" "Aaron, I'm sorry.."


I looked everywhere, I couldn't find anything.. I listened for her heart beat, nothing. I tried to smell her scent, nothing. I'm searching out of tomorrow, but now, I'm TRYING to sleep. It's impossible without her in my arms.. I can't do this. I'm not allowed to call the police until like 4:00 tomorrow, you're not allowed to call them until 24 hours of a victim missing. I finally settle down, and fall asleep.

      ??????? pov~                                                             ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.

they treat me well here, i feel bad for aaron, but i feel nice here. so yeah.. they said "dont be afraid" now im not. it feels good here, i feel right here..

                                                                                                    🌹       🥀


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