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~Aaron POV~

"I don't think I've been this happy in a long time.." I smiled, looking down at her. She was...crying? "I'm- so sorry for leaving you and Alina.. I didn't mean to, I just-" She looked up at me, "I just was grocery shopping then, I woke up here." I quiet her with a small gentle kiss, "I'm just glad you're alive." We stood there for a while, just holding each other, before we are interrupted by my phone ringing. "Hello?" I hear booming voices from the phone and a soft voice speaks up, "A-aaron? Hey.. It's Nana.. Everyone is getting restless, please get back soon." I hear the fright in her voice. "Hey, just keep calm. I found Aphmau, we'll be back soon-" "YOU FOUND APHMAU?!" I hear Aph's giggle from behind me, "Yep! I'm here." I saw the tears in her eyes as she took the phone away from me. "We'll be there soon." She hung up and I took her hand. "I didn't even realize how divine you looked in the dress." Her body was wrapped in elegant petals with a skirt the reached to just below the knee. She giggled and we walked into the forest.


When we reached our house, she broke into a sob. I gently rubbed her back and led her into the house. When she opened the door everyone looked in her direction, she didn't care though, she ran to Nana and grabbed Alina. "My baby! I missed you so much!" She cried, kissing Alina all over. I wrapped my arms around them and we had a small family reunion before Katelyn and Zane pushed us away and tackled Aph. She groaned hitting the hard wood as they bombarded her with questions. "Where were you?" "What happened?" "Were you kidnapped?" "WHY DID YOU LEAVE U-" Before Zane could finish I rip them off Aph. She sighed, "Yeah, I should probably tell you all what happened."

~6 WEEKS AGO (right before she was kidnapped) APHMAU POV~ 

I looked down at my shopping list and grabbed everything as quick as I could. I glanced to the roses, they were changing colors? I walk closer and pick them up, they smelt amazing. I took in the smell and before I knew it, everything was black. I wake up in a circle of petals, jeez, what's it with the flowers. "Good morning, child. I'm Madame Villa. Welcome to our village." She smiled at me, I couldn't remember anything, anything at all. I felt numb, hollow? Something's missing, but all I could see was this girl. She offered her hand to me to pick myself up and I took it hesitantly. I looked up and saw small people walk through the lively village, are those fairies? Every thing was covered in flowers. It seems amazing.

I finish my story and everyone's either in tears or just staring in astonishment. All of the sudden flowers appear everywhere. "It's Madame Villa, hide." I whisper to everyone, Aaron shakes his hand and Alina disappears. "Alina?!"We yell at the same time, and Villa appears with Alina in her arms. "You two make such beautiful children, I wonder, who would be better to keep though?" She grins at me and I blackout for a second and now I'm being held with a poisonous staff to my throat. "Alright, Aaron! Let's play a game, who's gonna stay and who will go? We're keeping one." Aaron's face softens and looks to me. "Aaron- T-Take Alina!" The staff gets closer, "Shut up." The guard snarls at me. I close my mouth and hopefully he understands I'm begging for him to take Alina.  

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