3. Beautiful

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"I was meant to thank you earlier for giving us the time off," Jimin said through the video call. Jungkook was about to reply when the speakers were overcome by rustling. Then a wild Taehyung popped up on the screen.

"What he was meant to say was that we have been worried sick," he said seriously, but then his stern face broke into a grin. "But we do appreciate the little break you gave us."

"Hey Jungkookie!" Hoseok said, appearing at Taehyung's side. "How's Busan?"

"It's good," Jungkook said. "Dae has planned the whole week out, so it looks like I won't actually be getting much rest."

"Well, enjoy your time with your family," Hoseok paused. "Did I mention that news about your location has been spread?"

"Yeah, watch out for the fans. I'm sure they'll be rabid," Jimin piped in from behind the camera. "Especially after no official news has been released about what happened. The company's probably going to get attacked because everyone thinks you've been mistreated."

Hoseok tapped his chin, "I think there's a press conference scheduled for when you get back to explain everything. Hopefully that'll clear everything up."

Jungkook grunted.

"Who's that behind you?" Taehyung asked with his eyebrows pinched together.

Jungkook whipped around to see his brother behind him, smiling his goofy smile.

"Hello, Bangtan Boys!" Dae said. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to steal mmy brother because I made him breakfast."

"Can you even cook?" Jungkook asked.

"My name practically means great food, of course I can cook," Dae frowned.

"Bye Kookie, bye hyung!" they heard the boys say before the video closed off and Jungkook's phone went blank.

The younger was dragged into the kitchen where two bowls of Ramen sat proudly on the table, accompanied by two glasses of orange juice.

"Ramen packs? I thought you said you could cook," Jungkook rubbed his eyes.

"It's technically cooking. Now eat, we'll be leaving soon," Dae said. Without elaborating, the older began inhaling his breakfast.

Spontaneously, the two boys ended up on a train to the Busan Museum of Art. Jungkook had asked why they didn't just drive there, but Dae had said that public transport would make the day more memorable. Jungkook knew he'd regretted it by the way his face turned white at all the girls who recognized his brother. More girls piled on at every stop so that when it was Jungkook and Dae's turn to abort the train, half of the passengers followed them.

Flanked by girls at either side, the two boys stood at the crossing waiting to cross the road. Jeon Dae was slightly uneasy with the crowd.

"How popular are you guys?" Dae hissed in his brother's ear as the lights went green and they crossed the road.

"It's worse at the airports," Jungkook chuckled back.

Luckily, the security stopped any of the fanatics from following the boys inside the museum. "Why did we even come here? I've already been here before," Jungkook asked.

"Didn't you go to that fancy School of Arts place? I thought you'd like coming here again."

Jungkook almost told him that he wasn't really interested in going to an un-airconditioned museum when he wasn't interested in visual art, but he was almost touched that his brother was making an effort.

Walking down the gallery halls, their footsteps echoing slightly, they took in all of the paintings. Jungkook favoured the abstract paintings of swirls of blended colors, but one landscaped oil painting of the mountains had caught his eye.

"This one's beautiful," Jungkook whispered, gazing at the painting and resisting the urge to reach out and touch it.

"Not as beautiful as you," he heard Dae whisper back, not wanting to disturb the silence of the museum.

"Thanks mum," Jungkook chuckled.

"No, I'm serious," Dae said as he gazed at his brother. "You got the good looks, not me. I was really jealous of you from time to time. I guess I still am."

"Dae..." Jungkook tried, but his brother had already continued walking.


It's been so long since I updated and I'm sooo sorry. All the SME drama killed me, but that's not really an excuse -__-

Just a quick thankyou to my BETA Sammara5 over on AFF for sticking around, you're the best

Votes are appreciated :*

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