5. Manner

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Throughout the morning and afternoon of Jungkook's second to last day as a free man, the two boys stayed at home and played XBOX. Jungkook had promised to rest while Jeon Dae had promised not to cook. They spent their day squashed on the only couch in the living room while fighting for the blankets. That was, of course, until Jeon Dae had announced that they were going out for dinner.

"We're going out for dinner because I can't cook," Jeon Dae announced and stood up from the couch.

"Don't we have anything instant in the cupboard?" Jungkook asked and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"We're out of food," Jeon Dae said simply before hurrying off into his room to find something decent to wear.

"Okay, whatever," Jungkook said as he too got up from the couch and walked to his room to change out of his pyjamas.

Jungkook closed his bedroom door behind him and knelt down next to his duffel bag full of clothes. Digging through, he found some skinny jeans and a half-decent white top which he thought would be okay to go out for a simple dinner in. He looked into the mirror that hung on the wall, fluffed up his red hair then left his bedroom at a slow pace.

he met his brother at the front door, not expecting to see his hair styled and wearing a nice jacket over a dark t-shirt. "What's the occasion?" Jungkook asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh?" He looked up from his hands which were fiddling with his keys. "N-Nothing, we're just going to get some food, right?" He opened the front door, locked it behind him and then ushered Jungkook into the passenger side of the car.

The radio played new released tracks, as well as Bangtan's new comeback song. Jeon Dae thoroughly enjoyed jamming to the song, but Jungkook only thought to himself that he was supposed to be with his members promoting with their new album, except he'd totally ruined all of his hyung's hard work. Swallowing hard, he turned to face the window.

Jungkook only got suspicious after fifteen whole minutes in the car. "Hyung, where are we going?" They'd already passed multiple resteraunts.

"Huh? Oh, you'll see, don't worry," Jeon Dae smiled before returning his full attention onto the road again. It was another few songs before they had reached their destination. It was a familiar house, the fenced garden showing off it's healthy lawn and rowed flowers. Jungkook felt his heart ache because he hadn't been to this house in far too long.

"Hyung?" He asked as he stepped out of the car door. Jeon Dae only smiled, taking Jungkook's wrist and leading him up the garden path. The wooden deck creaked under the two boy's weight as they stepped up to the door. Jeon Dae motioned for him to knock, but Jungkook hesitated.

Once he finally did knock, the two heard footsteps from inside, nearing the door. The door lock clicked and once the door creaked open, Jungkook immediately had arms wrapping around his shoulders. A shorter woman was now stood in front of him, the same woman he had lost so much time without.

"Mum," he laughed, smelling the scent of his mothers freshly washed hair. His mother, who he hadn't seen in person for more than a long time, was there, standing in front of him on her tiptoes and breathing shakily onto his neck.

"Son," she cried and tightened her hold on Jungkook. She pulled back and he saw that his mother had tears running down her cheeks. She took his face in her hands, her face serious. "What have they been doing to my boy, huh? Have you quit? Are you home for good?"

"I-I'm just on a short leave under..." Jungkook hesitated on telling his mother that his reason of absence from BTS was due to his health issues. He didn't need his mothers scolding as well. "Family issues. I needed an excuse to come home. I was missing you like crazy. Honest."

"That's my boy. You know what I always say, I need my monthly dose of my Jungkookie. It's almost like my medication that I take to make sure I don't loose my head," she slapped a flustered Jungkook on the back before leading the two boys into the cozy household. She closed the door behind them and wiped her tears. "Yah, you boys made your mum cry. How do you feel now, huh? Do you feel good about yourselves?"

"Your crying out of sheer happiness because your boys are home, don't even try and fool me, mum," Jeon Dae smirked.

Their mother smiled: "Of course, I'm only playing with you."

"Where's dad?" Jungkook asked expectantly.

His mother was a little silent for a while. "Your father has had plans for work all week, so he won't be home tonight," she said sadly, because it was sad. The way Jungkook's face immediately dropped at the news. "Now, get to the dinner table before the food gets cold."

What a feast their mother had prepared, too. There were three different bowls of three different main courses with a series of èntree's placed around them, salads here and there as well. "Now, eat some salad too, not just all of the unhealthy things," their mother warned. Her two sons piled food into their small bowls. "Dinner won't run away from you. Aish, you don't need to plate up so much on your first go."

Jungkook and his brother inhaled their mother's missed home-cooked food like there was no tomorrow.

"You boys act like you're still little kids while with me. Jungkook-ah, I thought you'd improved your eating manners."

Jungkook was just glad he was able to eat with his family, though not whole, again after such a long time. He hoped that they hadn't noticed that he had been trying so hard to keep his tears inside.


This chapter was poo :(

I'm sorry that it's been a while but I've been busy with my summer holidays. I'm starting school again soon as well which sucks.

Vote if you enjoyed it? I'd really like that. Oh, and please comment!!!!1!!!! Two chapters left ppl.


(especially Abbey because after a freak accident, she's become the impossible. She is the fastest. Woman. Alive.)

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