Chapter 2

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I got to school early and began to figure out how I was going to get to the school that they were playing at. I sadly didn't have my licence or a car. I asked almost everyone and was about to lose hope in my plan when my friend Ally said that she'd cancel her plans and go to the game with me. She had her licence and a car. Step 1 compleat. Now to move on to step 2.

During the day I got texts from Nathan telling me he can't wait to see me and he told me what number he was on his team. He was 69 of course. I wouldn't expect the least from him. My day went by fast and I started to get nervous. Really really nervous. Ally and myself walked to my place and started to get ready and this is where step 2 needs to be completed. I need to lie to my mom to get out of the house.

When my mom came home I went down stairs and told my mom that our school was playing another school in volleyball and Ally has a friend on our team that wants her to come and Ally didn't want to go alone so I said I'd come. My mom seemed suspicious. But she then said ok, have fun, be safe. So me and Ally got ready, ate something then walked to her place.

When we got to her place I just took the lie I told to my mom and just changed it a bit to say I knew someone on our team and her parents believed us too! The game started at 7:30 so we left a 6:45 so we could pick up Starbucks on the way.

Driving to the school I was so nervous. I was afraid he'd think I was ugly or something but when we walked into the school we quickly found a seat on the far bleacher and began to watch. I spotted him out right away. Plus I knew his number so that helped. He was so good at volley ball. I was watching him spike, volley and serve and hot damn he made everything look so hot. When the game started, he didn't play the first 2 sets but he played the last 3. Me and Nathan made eye contact every time we looked at each other and I knew he knew it was me. When the game was over I felt like I lost my voice because I got way to into the game. I saw Nathan across the court and he slowly lifted his jersey over his head. All of his team was casually changing but I didn't mind it one bit. He had perfect abs and he was looking so hot. He then put a different shirt on and left for the doors. I told Ally we had to go so I could talk to him.

We quickly left to gym and somehow beat him outside. I saw Nathan coming and I knew it was my chance. All my friends at school said I'd choke so I knew I HAD TO say something. I got prepared and when he walked by I said in the dorkiest voice ever "good game" he then said "aww thanks" and kept walking. I blew my only chance! I was so mad at myself and Ally was mad at me. She began to say I didn't drive all this way for you to say good game and we walked very pissed down the long parking lot to the street where Ally parked. We hadn't gotten out of the parking before Nathan drove up in his 2014 explorer with his music loud and his windows down. I knew this kind of move because my other friend Gina always does this when we pass hot guys. But that's not the point. He drove off down the street and me and Ally got into her van and started to drive when I got a text from Nathan saying "Do you need a ride?"

I then responded with "Lol I fucked up and was too fucking scared to talk to you."

Then he sent me "Well I'll give you a ride and we can talk!"

Mistake number 4 (If a bad boy offers you a ride really think it over) but I knew that I didn't want to go to school the next day and say I choked so I replied with "Sure" and he sent me "Okay aha I'm coming"

I told my friend to turn the van around and drop me back off at the school. The streets were super small and it was hard to figure out how to get back to the school. We found our way back and I hopped out of her van and told her i'd text her later. I could tell she was a bit worried but I insisted I'd be fine and so she drove off. I was there, alone at the school. It was dark and I started to walk on the side walk. I was excited because I've never done anything like this before and I knew I couldn't back out now. I heard a car pull up and saw it was him so I walked up to the car, hopped in and we took off.

~if you liked this chapter please make sure to vote for it! I have no idea when the next chapter will be out but I really promise soon! -Brittany~

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