Chapter 7

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I decided not to bother Nathan with the random texts that I was getting. Who ever it was kept texting me. It's like they thought they knew everything about me. They called me a bunch of rude names and talked about me a Nathan's personal life. After about 300 texts I had enough so I sent one simple text "I don't know who this is but you need to find something better with your life then texting me. I'm blocking this unknown number." I sent that text and then I blocked the number.

I was curious who it was. Why would someone text me those things? I had a few people in mind. It could be those girls that came up to me at school, could be those girls we saw at the mall or it could be Samantha. I wasn't planning to worry about it because the number was blocked so who cared right?

I saw those girls at school today and they all gave me all these rude looks. I was hoping they wouldn't approach me but of course I was wrong and they approached me. "Hey Bea! How was shopping this weekend?" I think I turned completely white because how did they know. I had to say something so I asked how they knew I went shopping. "Haha don't be silly Bea. Once you're spotted with Nathan everyone knows. How much did he give you because obviously you can't afford whatever bra you're wearing right now!" They all started to laugh. I didn't know how to respond. I was hurt but didn't want to show it so I responded with "Ooo sorry but whatever we buy and whatever we do is none of your business." "Aww you were such a innocent girl before. Obviously that's all changed! I bet he hates that your innocent!" They all said to me. I was about to walk away but I decided to say one last thing "just leave me alone. I'm perfectly happy with how our relationship was going." I walked away and went to the bathroom just to grab ahold of all my thoughts.

Standing in the bathroom was the best part of my day because it was silent. That silence was broken by a my text tone that went off. I reached for my phone and saw it was another number I didn't recognize. The text said "He doesn't love you. He doesn't care about you and he could careless if he hurts you or not. Which a picture attached. The picture was of Nathan and some girl. They were making out. I started to cry. I broke down and sat on the bathroom floor crying. I wanted to be alone and didn't want to be bothered by anyone. But just my luck those catty girls walked in. "Oh sweet innocent Bea. What's the matter?" "Leave me alone! I know you know who's texting me so tell them to stop!!" I yelled at them. I quickly got up and was trying to walk out but they blocked the doors. "Bea look. He's no good for you and we understand you'll always have feelings for the guy who's your first boyfriend, your first kiss and they guy who takes your virginity." By that point I had had enough. "ONCE AGIAN, IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHAT WE DO AND PLUS WE HAVENT HAD SEX YET SO LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" And I stormed out.

Thank gosh I don't have class with them so my rest of the day was okay. Every now and then I'd get a text from Nathan. "Hey Bea!", "Miss you and your perfect smile", "okay I know you're a good student and don't answer your phone in class but talk to meeeee." I didn't want to respond. So I didn't. Until he sent me "Is there something bugging you babe?" So I decided to send him the picture that I got. Just the picture and that's it. I knew he knew he had to explain because he called me. Class had just finished so the second time he called I answered. "Oh thank god Bea, I thought you weren't going to answer. I can explain that picture!" "Oh really because I'd love to hear it!" I responded. "Bea, remember when we went to the mall an I told you that girl and me had a thing but she like used me? Ya well we hooked up. It didn't go farther then second base but she took pictures and sent them to everyone. Those pictures are old and mean nothing because I love you okay?" "Nathan you don't understand how many times I've got attacked about us dating. I've been getting texts from random numbers calling me all sorts of names and girls have been coming up to me calling me those names too! They also said you're cheating on me." "Babe, I told you this is why I didn't want us to start dating because people start shit. Listen to me okay. I'm not cheating on you because I love you and only you. And don't listen to anyone because they just want to bring down the good thing we have going. Okay?" "Okay Nathan." "Hey I miss you. We'll talk more when I'm come home in two days." We both said bye and then hung up. I was all types of emotions right there.

I was relieved that school was over. Just 2 days till he comes home! I also remembered his birthday was in 4 days. I was worried for Saturday. Worried was an understatement I was a big bundle of nerves because I still had to help him plan, decorate, get him a gift and he said he wanted to have "fun" on his birthday. I think that's what I was most nervous about, the "fun".


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