❁ where am i ? ❁ chapter 1

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(sorry it's a bit slow at first but ty for reading i love you all smmm lots of hugs for reader chan, meet you at the bottom?)

   at first, everything felt dark and cold..

   i was numb to all my surroundings

   even with my eyes wide open, i couldn't see.

   but then, slowly i could feel a slight warm breeze passing through me unsteadily, yet still there. it was peaceful and welcoming, as it blew on my soft features i couldn't help but feel a gentle smile cross my face

   that was before the pain finally set in..

   everything was suddenly one loud roaring ache, my head was spinning as if i was thrashed about moments ago, my throat was dry and burning, my legs filled with sharp stinging pains that had me practically begging to cry out for help..

   i couldn't see, none the less hear the soft breeze from earlier

   oh how i longed to be numb again

   somehow, over the obnoxious pain i could hear the faint sound of..

   jean?  ( Pff sorry no- )

   light trotting.?

   the soft sound of grass rustling and crickets happily chirping amongst themselves filled my senses. i slowly picked up more and more of my surroundings causing me to grow ever so curious, the light steady hum of a wagon marching forward endlessly, the soft breeze returning once more to welcome me with the same warm embrace..

   i have to see it

   i fought with myself for a moment before successfully opening my eyes, squinting from the sudden light then widened once i could make out what exactly it was that i gazed upon

a stunning pale white moon drowning amongst glistening stars in an endless deep blue, trees swiftly gliding through my peripheral vision, i sluggishly shifted my gaze around taking in all the wondrous gifts the night sky had to offer..

   god it was breathtaking
-i need to breathe

i quickly gasped for air only to be greeted by stinging pins and needles thrashing through me in waves, my vision grew hazy ruining my perfectly good view, it felt like a heavy weight was on my chest preventing me from taking in more air.. god i hate this.

shakily i took in another breath, attempting to steady my heart before it decided to just brake out of my chest

eventually everything calmed once more, my eyes slowly adjusted again as i took in my surroundings. i reluctantly reached my hand up into my still lightly blurred view, in attempts to see some of what was causing the burning pain

    my soft lips lightly parting once i noticed my arms poor condition, fresh bandages that must've once been white, now were tainted with light pools of crimson, as they rest neatly strung about my arm and tied their way up and around my dainty fingers though not covering them completely. worry filled me as i swiftly glanced down towards the rest of my body, there seemed to have been only my right leg wrapped up, aside from the fact that my abdomen was heavily bandaged with deep crimson splashes shown through the otherwise clean fabric

    my pants were battered and torn, also stained with that same pitiful shade of red. my shirt just wasn't there at all but the bandages covered every place the cloth would've hidden anyway so it isn't too concerning. i was also wearing an unfamiliar beige coat over top my bandages that stopped right about my midsection

   where am i?

   with little to no energy left in me, i came to the conclusion that i'd be fine with my question going unanswered, as long as i could go back to sleep and forget this painful world i somehow showed up in.. the feeling of a warm presence near carefully lead me to a false since of security as i went to close my eyes once more.. only then did i notice,

   i'm not alone

   someone had their hand lightly resting on my head, pulling out of my blissful dream state and startling me however not enough to jump, with my expression still blank and hazy yet curious, i swiftly shifted my focus from the moon to something much more intriguing, a young boyishly handsome male accompanied me under the pale light of the moon
(ayeee hi armin, glad you finally made an appearance)

   i could only see him from his torso up. still i immediately noticed his soft blond hair lightly shifting with the warm breeze, from his warm peachy complexion to his button nose, he was all around stunning

   he appeared to be taking a well deserved nap.. from what i could tell he had been crying and didn't seem too peaceful, he was still pleasant to look at even though he seemed stressed beyond belief

   he's pretty

   he seemed to be propped up against a shallow wooden wall, slightly leaning on the neighboring wall as we were carefully tucked away in the corner of the large wagon. he had his legs out straight together and i was using them as, a pillow.. ?

   with a bit of pain still stinging through me, i slowly reached my hand up to meet his one that sat atop my head.

   doing so caused the blond to stir in his sleep, his eyes slowly fluttered open and he reached his free hand up to wipe away the sleepy daze from his eyes

   without taking my blank gaze off him he peered out to the night sky before swiftly being pulled out of his dream state once i caught his attention by lightly tugging at his hand, his expression went from sleepy to wide awake in an instant

   " (Y- Y/N)! " the blond shouted

(SORRY ITS SO SLOW- i spent more time writing about bandages and crickets instead of armin ?? dw i promise it will get better with time! see you on the next page) - fawn

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