❁ ignorant bliss.. ❁ chapter 6 -end- ♡

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( warning, lots of feels inbound.. side note if the beginning is confusing, it's the continuation of (y/n)'s response to armin saying he proposed when the whole.. thing happened, which means you're both back on the wagon and your response is probably not what you wanted but remember, you're uh- dying, you're dying. and with that out of the way, enjoy🎀)

| (y/n)'s pov |

i blankly gazed into nothing with glossed over eyes, as i didn't know what to think, i felt myself growing weary from the constant burning aches and pain coursing through me with every breath.. i was stuck in my mind with no conscious, nothing but a hollow shell of who i seemed to of once been

armin appears to have already noticed my condition was getting worse, he knew what was coming, he knew it should've came a while back when the incident initially took place.. but he felt, if he held on just a bit longer.. just maybe

tears forming in his eyes once more as he stared at my motionless body

lost in thought with nothing to think about, i gazed lifelessly at the passing trees as time stood still

|    armin's pov    |

".. oh" (y/n) mumbled, the noise barely reaching my ears

"i- m" she stopped as she used most her strength to take in one more breath


sorry.. her simple broken words burned and in all honesty, i wish she didn't respond.. i would've rather sat in silence and pity than hear her apologize for something she couldn't control while in reality i'm the one who should be apologizing. sorry i couldn't even protect the most important part of me, sorry i wasn't there, sorry i'm useless-

sorry i wasn't enough

  pain engulfed me once more as i could only see that same image.. (y/n), lifelessly hanging over that rose stained branch. splashes of deep crimson stung my thoughts as i tugged (y/n) into a tight hug once more burying my face into her (bright/dim) (h/c) hair, quiet sobs escaped my lips into the night air as i prayed she was drifting off with the blissful memories we once shared

i could only helplessly cling to her warm body as the night deepened. i eventually felt her breathing slow, causing my heart to sink once more at this never ending nightmare

her eyes silently drifted shut and i could feel the warmth leaving her fragile figure all over again, this time it was even more painful as i had been delicately given a false sense of hope only for it to be abruptly ripped away once more.

it hurts..

  it hurts knowing not that even 24 hours ago she was mine.. i was hers. not even 24 hours ago she was looking at me with the same soft yet determined look that always felt like home as i was headed off towards my assigned position.. i never would've thought that was the final time she'd ever look at me with those eyes..

if i knew.. if only i knew what would become of the next few hours, i never would've left her side even if staying would lead us both to an inevitability painful, crimson, fate

i pulled her fragile frame as close as possible, as i now cried out everything left in me

eventually i leaned away from her, keeping my eyes tightly shut until finally letting out the breath i held in. gathering all the courage i had left, i opened my eyes to see (y/n).. everything hurts

light tears still slowly found their way down my cheeks. seeing (y/n) again hurt but- in a strange way i was happy, she's finally free

my princess is finally able to drift amongst the stars, far out of this unforgivable world's reach

false sense of hope (armin arlert x reader) complete ☆Where stories live. Discover now