❁ who are you ? ❁ chapter 2

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( hii don't worry there's plenty more armin in this chapter and less crickets.. ^^ okay i'll stop bothering you, enjoy!)

his eyes shown with happiness, slowly switching to relief then finally tears glossed over his eyes threatening to drop.

i wasn't paying much attention to his expression though.. my (e/c) eyes were busy frozen to his shimmering blue ones, they were like oceans so vast and endlessly beautiful in every way. the moon didn't help my trance in the slightest, it just highlighted his soft gaze making his eyes even more captivating.

is that even possible

  the boy quickly pulled me into a tight hug. squishing my rather small frame against his, he pressed his eyes shut as tears escaped and pulling me closer as if letting go would result in me drifting away to who knows where, he snuggled his face into my neck as he softly cried to himself

  even though it hurt, i didn't pull away from his warm embrace, i didn't even react properly as i was lost in thought with no understanding of what was going on around me

after a moment he slowly leaned away from me still holding my top half up with his arms, his ocean blue eyes met mine again, his eyes and cheeks tinted red from crying.. he had the biggest softest smile graced on his peachy lips

i was stuck in his ethereal beauty, staring blankly with pink dusting my cheeks only to be startled by his sudden concern that shown through his expression.

".. (y/n)? i've missed you so much" the blond whimpered almost at a whisper "i thought i lost you"

i hardly reacted, not knowing what to think. i slowly went to shift my gaze back at the moon, then the boy lightly shook me as i was still cradled in his arms

"(y/n)" he murmured, "a-are you okay?"

i looked back at him hardly able to move still from the burning pain that still steadily streamed through me, he slowly laid me back down and proceeded to move away my (h/c) hair from my face

"(y/n)" i said under my now even breath, "..is that my name?"

the blond was clearly taken back by my words as he slightly pulled his hand away from where it rested atop my head. it was like the whole atmosphere shifted around me from warm and welcoming to silence.

what am i missing

"y- yeah.." he trailed off "do you remember what happened?"

his uneasy tension switched back to concern almost as quickly as it left. he somewhat leaned back towards me, my head still resting in the strangers lap, he peered into my (e/c) eyes, concentrating as if he was carefully trying to figure out my thoughts while eagerly waiting for a response.

i thought for a moment, trying to see if there was anything i could tell him, giving the stranger his answer he so desperately craved, but to no avail,

"no" i spoke in a soft voice still lightly raspy from my throats unpleasant condition, veering my gaze away from him in attempts to avoid the sadden look in his ocean tinted eyes

after a few moments of thought he spoke up again braking the silence this time with an even more delicate tone

"(y/n), look at me." he stated softly

i hummed in response bringing my gaze back to meet the blondes,

"do you remember eren and mikasa." he said determined to not lose hope in me

i pondered his question for a brief moment but nothing stood out.

"no" i repeated with the same quiet tone

"d- do you remember.." his blue eyes shifted down for a moment then he stiffened as if he was urging himself to say it, "do you remember me" he slowly started again

was i somehow important to him.. no matter how much i searched my thoughts, i couldn't give him the answer he so desperately desired.. even though i don't properly know this boy, maybe it was the way he looked at me.. maybe it's the way his soft hair lightly blew in the wind or the way his hugs felt so secure like nothing else mattered, just- something about him made me feel warm and safe, he felt like home

"no" i said, sorrow littering my light voice

i regret saying that

his breath quivered, pain filled his eyes after a moment of staring at me almost in disbelief or denial, his soft expression faded revealing how broken he truly was. he slowly leaned back against the shallow wood wall behind him.. just watching it ached my heart, only bringing more pain

why did i say it

why can't i give him the answers wants

i looked away from him, back towards the entrancing moon. i pondered my thoughts for a moment, in attempts to regain the memories i clearly lost, i spoke up breaking the eerie silence

"what's your name" i murmured while keeping my gaze on the stars above

i felt him stiffen up from my question, it probably seemed unreal to him..

"armin.. armin arlert" he finally spoke, in a nearly inaudible tone flooded with grief

(oop- and so the sadness begins ;-; please forgive me my poor babey armin)

false sense of hope (armin arlert x reader) complete ☆Where stories live. Discover now